Which is better dry or canned dog food? Surprising Answer

Why Canned Dog Food Can Be Better Than Kibble

In many ways, canned dog food can be superior to kibble. They typically contain more meat protein than their dry counterparts.

And they’re made with fewer carbohydrates, too.

Plus, due to their air-tight packaging, canned dog foods contain no synthetic preservatives. So, fats and oils sealed inside cans don’t easily become rancid.

And no artificial flavorings and colorings.

With cans, meat ingredients are closer to their natural state. So, canned products are more palatable — and more appetizing.

Benefits of Wet Dog Food Compared to Dry Dog Food

Wet dog food, or “canned food,” sometimes provides benefits that dry food doesn’t offer, such as:

  • Higher moisture content: Wet food may be a good choice if your dog doesn’t drink as much as they should, or if they have a medical condition that could benefit from proper hydration. One example would be a dog with a history of urinary or kidney disease.
  • Palatability: Canned dog food is often more aromatic and flavorful when compared to dry food. This may entice sick or older dogs to eat if their appetite is decreased.
  • Satiety: Wet dog food tends to create a longer-lasting feeling of being “full.” Increased satiety is useful in weight management, especially in dogs that seem to have a never-ending appetite.
  • Easier to chew: Dogs that have dental disease or other oral abnormalities may find wet food easier to chew than dry food.
  • Ease of eating

    Softer foods can be easier for dogs who:

  • have dental disease
  • have just had a dental procedure
  • have sensitive stomachs
  • are prone to constipation
  • In these cases, wet food is a solid option to make sure they’re still getting vital cals and nutrients, Simon explains. If your dog has tummy troubles, “opt for one enriched with prebiotics and/or probiotics when possible,” she says.

    Nutrition 101: Wet or Dry Food — Which is Better For My Dog?