Which medicine is best for dog skin disease? Here’s the Answer

Symptoms of Fungal & Bacterial Skin Infection in Dogs

The most common clinical signs of yeast dermatitis include:

  • Thickened skin or “elephant skin”
  • Flaky, crusty or scaly skin
  • Redness and itchiness
  • Musty odor
  • Recurrent or chronic ear infections (otitis externa)
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • The most common clinical signs of staph infection are:

  • Excessive itching, licking or chewing
  • Eye, ears, skin or respiratory system infections
  • Patchy fur with peeling, crusty skin, or moist skin
  • Inflamed or red skin
  • Pain
  • Pus-filled lesions on the skin
  • What is an autoimmune disease?

    Our bodies have an immune system that protects us from foreign invaders that can cause disease and infection. If you have an autoimmune disease, however, your immune system attacks itself by mistake, causing serious illness. The immune cells fail to distinguish the bodys normal healthy cells from foreign cells, and thus try to destroy the normal tissues. The cause of this “mistake” is not well understood. Autoimmune disease can affect a single system or multiple body systems. Autoimmune diseases can affect skin, connective tissues, nerves, muscles, the endocrine system (the system that controls hormones and other chemicals), red blood cells, and the digestive system. Dogs and cats with autoimmune diseases should not be vaccinated except under certain circumstances – your veterinarian can discuss this further with you.

    What causes autoimmune disease?

    The cause or causes of autoimmune disease are not fully understood, although some theorize that genetics and/or environmental pollutants play a role. Ultraviolet (UV) exposure is thought to be a predisposing or “triggering” cause of autoimmune skin diseases in some dogs. Certain drugs have also been reported as potential triggers for pemphigus foliaceus, a common form of autoimmune skin disease in dogs and cats. Early recognition is extremely important. Left untreated, the complications of autoimmune disease are serious and multiple system involvement is common. This can make diagnosis and treatment very challenging and complicated.

    How To treat these 5 Skin infection in dogs with home remedies.

    Have you noticed your dog licking their paws frequently? Scratching behind their ears? Chewing at the area above or below their tail? Licking under their back legs? Perhaps you’ve seen areas of red skin with a rash, bumps, or sores. Many skin diseases cause discomfort and can even be painful for dogs, preventing them from getting rest and causing owners anxiety because they want to help their dogs get relief. Continue reading to learn about common skin problems and dermatitis in dogs and when it’s time contact a veterinarian.

    The following are skin diseases, dermatitis, or problems most often seen in puppies or young dogs. Some of these skin problems can also be seen in adult dogs.

    Puppy vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina in female puppies of unknown cause. Symptoms include mild redness around the vulva with white or yellow discharge that can be moist, sticky or dry, and crusty. Puppies may scoot or lick their vulva excessively due to the irritation. They may also urinate more frequently. For mild cases, good hygiene may be all that is needed. In more serious cases, oral antibiotics and/or anti-inflammatories may be prescribed by your vet to treat infection and pain associated with a secondary bacterial skin infection.

    Impetigo is a common bacterial skin infection in puppies. Puppies develop fluid-filled blisters that may open and crust over. The blisters or bumps on the dog’s skin often occur on the belly where there is little to no hair. Impetigo can often be treated with a topical solution but in some cases may need additional veterinary care and treatment.