Frequently asked questions about Claritin man playing with his puppy commercial
Because we are not the producers of this spot of other videos that appear on our website, we do not handle most of the data related to casting that appear in the videos of the different advertising campaigns of or other brands, However, we invite you to know if you know the casting, write us to include it in the video information
Frequently asked questions about Claritin the man in the blue shirt commercial
Because we are not the producers of this spot of other videos that appear on our website, we do not handle most of the data related to casting that appear in the videos of the different advertising campaigns of or other brands, However, we invite you to know if you know the casting, write us to include it in the video information
How old is Buddy the Claritin puppy?
Who sings most wonderful time of the year in Claritin commercial?
Who is the actor in the Allegra commercial?
Who is the male actor in the Flonase commercial?