Why did my dog poop in his crate? Get Your Pet Thinking

Stress or Separation Anxiety

If your dog hates being in his crate or can’t stand being separated from you, pooping might be a reaction to stress. Some dogs will purposefully soil their crates if you leave them locked up while you are home because they know that you’ll come get them out. Other dogs lose bowel control because they are anxious. You can work to make your dog more comfortable while inside the crate or try other solutions to help the crate be less scary. You can also give your dog lots of love and attention inside and outside of the crate.

There are many different diseases that lead to less bowel control. Something as simple as food poisoning might lead to your pup having an uncharacteristic accident. Inflammatory bowel disease can lead to an inability to control bowels as well. Another possibility is a muscle or nerve disease that stops your dog from being able to hold muscles over long periods of time. A disease like this will likely have other symptoms. Meeting with a vet can help you find a good treatment.

Another possibility is an infection. Infections can lead to diarrhea, lack of bowel control, and other changes that make your dog poop in his crate.

If your dog has stinky, unusual poop and shows other signs of gastrointestinal distress, you might have a dog with undiagnosed allergies or intolerances. Some common allergens include corn, wheat, soy, and various types of meat. Dogs are also lactose intolerant, so many dairy products are no-goes. A change of food or a diet meant for sensitive stomachs can help your dog to recover from gastrointestinal issues.

Injury or Physical Trauma

Physical trauma can also lead to incontinence. An accident can damage the muscles that control your dog’s sphincter, making it impossible for your dog to function properly. If this is the case, your dog will likely have frequent accidents both in and out of his crate and poop much more frequently than before the injury.

Cancer is no joke, and tumors can cause knots of tissue that interfere with your dog’s gastrointestinal tract. A tumor near the sphincter is the most common culprit when it comes to tumors, but other places around the gastrointestinal tract might cause problems as well. Regular vet checkups can help you catch tumors quickly before they interfere with your dog’s health in worse ways.

The Crate Isn’t Properly Sized

You might think that your dog needs plenty of space to be happy, but dog crates that are too big can invite accidents and make your dog less comfortable. Your dog should have room to turn around and lie down comfortably, and to stand up without having to stoop. But much more room than that could make your dog feel exposed. Having limited floor space also stops accidents from happening because your dog won’t want to poop in the place he needs to lay down.

My Dog Poops In Its Crate When Left Alone – What To Do?

Your dog’s crate is meant to keep your dog safe and provide a comfortable sanctuary for them. But if you’ve been finding that your dog has been pooping in their crate, you might be concerned.

This isn’t normal behavior because dogs have the instinct to keep their dens clean. If this seems to be occurring more frequently lately, there might be something wrong, so it’s a good idea to investigate what the problem might be. Here, we discuss what might be going on with your dog and give you a few tips on how to best handle the situation.