Why do dogs get on 2 legs? Find Out Here

What are the reasons why dogs stand on two legs?

Dogs take different postures from eating, sleeping, and all other activities they do in between.

A dog standing on two legs cannot go unnoticed as it is not considered too familiar.

There are quite several reasons why they do this, and it differs from environment to environment, as explained below:

Why Do Dogs Stand on Their Hind Legs?

Dogs can stand on their hind legs for various reasons including attention, affection, playfulness, or if you have (accidentally) reinforced the behavior in the past.

Different postures are part of your dog’s communication repertoire and can send a variety of signals.

This is also true for rearing on the hind legs.

Besides barking, there is probably nothing that will capture your attention more than a dog on two legs.

Why do dogs get on 2 legs?

Photo by Chris Johnstone on Unsplash

This could mean that your dog is asking for a pet, walk, treats, or anything else he desires.

We are also very tall beings compared to our dogs so it’s a way of getting closer to our faces.

If excess energy is involved, your dog might stand or jump up out of pure excitement.

This usually happens when you come home or when your dog anticipates a ball throw.

Many dogs also stand on their back legs simply to display their affection to you.

However, this mostly happens between dogs and can look like they are wrestling or dancing with each other.

If you have danced with your dog in the past, he might try to engage you in this activity.

In general, all behaviors that have been reinforced in the past will happen again.

So if you tend to your dog’s needs while he is standing on his hind legs this will reinforce the behavior and your dog might communicate his demands in the same manner in the future.

If you or your family members laugh anytime your dog does his silly hind leg walk, he will also be more inclined to do it.

Did you know that dogs actually have the majority (2/3) of their weight centered over their front legs? Their hind legs and hips are built to help propel them forward, with the front legs and chest handling braking, body weight support, and some fighting moves. The risks of injury when there’s too much strain from dogs walking on 2 legs are real…

If they can choose to stand on their own two feet, so to speak, presumably it’s safe for us to encourage them to do it—right?

We see dancing dogs all over but, looking at their bodies, we have to wonder should dogs walk on two legs? Is it a good idea to encourage it? Let’s look below the skin.

SPINE: Another risk area is the spine. Again, because their bodies aren’t built for vertical stance, a repetitive motion like walking, jumping or standing on their back legs can lead to a slipped disc, or even a more severe injury. Damage to the spine can mean an inability to get up or walk, and lead to pain in the pelvis or neck.

In a word: anatomy. These are, after all, animals designed to go primarily on four legs. It stands to reason that spending too much time on two isn’t ideal. Some dogs can bear the weight and balance more easily than others—which is why you’re more likely to see small or miniature breeds in these postures.

Dog Walking on Two Legs IS NOT CUTE…Here’s Why | The Dodo

Isn’t your dog adorable? Chubby or thin, big or small, all dogs are adorable, and the things they do keep you in love with them. The way their head, eyes, and ears perk up when they hear a sound outside, the way their tail wags when they are happy, the way they stand on their back legs when you get out their treats.

These endearing actions are cute on the surface, but is there more to it than that? Sure, it’s fine if their ears perk up and if their tails wag, but what about a dog standing on its hind legs? Take a look at why your dog stands on his back legs, whether it’s healthy, and what, if anything, you can do about it.