Why do dogs love socks so much? Here’s What to Do Next

They’re just bored.

Dogs are naturally curious animals. They love stimulation and fun activities. That’s why they love playing with kids, taking walks with you, and playing fetch with new toys. If your dog does not get enough healthy activity and stimulation, it can lead to behaviors such as overeating or chewing anything in sight. It might sound odd, but boredom is also one of the 6 reasons why dogs run away.

Why do dogs love socks so much?

So when dogs steal socks, they may be looking for a fun distraction. But be careful not to reward this behavior – trying to take the sock away from them might seem like a fun game of tug-o-war to your buddy! Your dog will also probably love it if you chase them to get the sock.

Watch the video at the end of this article to learn how to train your dog to avoid this behavior.

Chewing – it feels good!

Your dog doesn’t steal or eat socks because of hunger, but because… it feels good. For puppies, chewing is part of the teething process, whereas for most grown-up dogs, the action of chewing on a sock is as irresistible as chewing gum is for humans.

Of course, unwanted chewing can still become a problem. Worry not – we have two guides to help you with that:

How to Stop Your Dog From Chewing Socks

Here are some tips to keep your dog (and your socks) safe:

  • Keep socks out of reach: The best way is to put socks in a place where your dog cannot reach or see them at all. This may also mean keeping your hamper with dirty socks in a closet or behind closed doors. If you do this consistently enough, chances are good that after a few days of not being able to access socks, they will stop trying so hard to look for them!
  • Do not give them attention for unwanted behavior: Much like children, dogs do not care whether they are getting negative or positive attention from you – they just want attention. If your dog does get a hold of a sock, try not to react. Distract them with a treat or something of high value, and once they drop the sock you can put it away.
  • Give them an appealing alternative: Make sure your dog has lots of safe toys to chew around the house so that they never feel like they need socks to have fun.
  • Provide a comforting item: If you know your dog will not rip apart a blanket, you may want to give them a blanket or shirt of yours with your scent to comfort them.
  • Train them not to chew by using words: If you see your dog trying to go for something they know is off-limits such as socks on the couch while you’re watching TV, tell them “no”. Use a firm voice and make sure you have treats to reward them.
  • Why do Dogs like Socks (Answered)

    It’s not uncommon for puppies to pick up things that we might have carelessly left on the floor. Soft, smelly, and stretchy socks are appealing chew toys. Without proper management and training, this sock stealing habit can become a problem—and not just because your dog is decimating your underwear drawer. Dogs that eat socks and other underwear items are at risk of suffering from dangerous internal blockages.

    Understanding why your dog is doing it, and taking appropriate steps to prevent it from happening in the future, could save you a costly and, worse, possibly life-threatening trip to the vet.