Why do dogs tuck you in bed? A Complete Guide

3 Ways to Protect Your Dog’s Bed Against Scratching

While your dog’s digging habit can be adorable, it can also be incredibly destructive at times. If you’re not careful, your new pet bed can quickly be reduced to a pile of stuffing and fabric. Dog scratching can quickly turn into a pet owner nightmare – even if the dog lover is in your Instagram bio.

The good news is there are some measures you can take to prevent this from happening so your dog can enjoy his bed.

And you can watch below just how precious he is as he grabs his blanket and tucks in for the night:

We all have our nightly rituals. And come winter time when it’s cold out, the rituals probably become more intense as they require more strategic blanket covering for optimal warmth and coziness.

One pooch was captured on camera literally tucking himself away in bed. Clearly, this boy is a strong and independent doggie who doesn’t need an owner to put him to bed – he can do it all by himself!

If you have pets, part of your nighttime routines most likely involve them as well – whether it’s figuring out the logistics of how to fit them into bed with you, or tucking them into their own beds. But for some of us, our pets have their own bedtime habits that they’ve either learned or formed on their own.

Does circling help with animals control their temperature?

Dogs in the wild had no control over weather conditions and had to survive extreme changes in temperature. They could not turn down a thermostat when it was hot or grab a blanket when it was cold, so they adapted by “denning” to moderate the temperature of their sleeping quarters.

Outdoor dogs in hotter climates scratched at the ground to clear away topsoil and grass that retained and radiated the sun’s warmth. Removing the topsoil exposed cooler soil underneath. Scratching and turning allowed them to find a more comfortable temperature for sleeping.

Wild canids in colder climates circled to wind themselves into tight balls to conserve personal body heat. The tighter the tuck, the warmer the dog. In addition, other pack members gathered together in a tight circle to effectively share body heat. So, the bedtime turning ritual had a biological basis, too.

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