Why do dogs walk around with toys in their mouths? Here’s What to Do Next

Why does my dog walk around with a stuffed animal?

Sometimes dogs just like to practice their killing instincts on stuffed toys. It is especially the case for squeakers, as they can imitate prey sounds, just like an animal in the wild would sound. … By carrying their toys around, they are expressing their desire to play with you.

What’s Up With Dogs Carrying Toys and Whining?

Because dogs cannot talk, we can ultimately only make assumptions for their behavior. The age, gender, and breed of the dog may be factors to keep in mind when looking at specific dog behaviors. Following are several potential reasons why a dog may carry a toy and whine.

If the behavior is carried out by an unspayed female, it may be that she is exhibiting the first signs of a false pregnancy. A false pregnancy in dogs takes place after a dog has gone through heat, but she did not mate/her eggs were not fertilized.

A female in false pregnancy may therefore engage in mothering behaviors such as carrying toys around as if they were her pups. Therefore, she may form an emotional attachment to her toys and whine as she carries them around looking for a place to nest.

However, males, spayed females, and females not actively undergoing a false pregnancy may also carry toys and whine, but for quite different behaviors.

Some dogs, when given high-value items such as bones or certain toys, will whine and walk around for some time. Then they eventually calm down and decide to chew on or play with it.

Certain breeds, especially those bred to hunt rodents like Yorkies and rat terriers, perceive squeaky toys as high-value items. Labs and Goldens instead were bred to retrieve waterfowl, so a squeaky toy making a sound that mimics a downed bird may cause excitement.

If your dog does not normally hide stuff in the yard or under the pillows of your couch, it could be that he instinctively knows that there is something he is supposed to do with his treasured toy, but doesnt know what (especially if he has never seen another dog bury his treasures).

So your dog may carry his toy around whining, but since theres no ground to bury the toy in, hell whine a bit in frustration, not knowing exactly what to do.

How do you get a splinter out of a dog’s mouth?

You can try soaking your dog’s paw in a bowl filled with a warm Epsom salt solution for five to ten minutes. Doing so may soften the area and bring the splinter close enough to the surface of the skin so that you can see it and grab it.

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When Matilda was about 15 months old, she pulled the feet off one of her toys. The feet looked like tiny brown beans about 1.5″ long that sort of resembled a very tiny baby Chihuahua.

She used to take one of those tiny feet and carry it around in her mouth, whining and pacing, digging around in blankets. She’s never done that again.

Since this occurred before she was spayed, and likely around the time of one of her heats, I believe she was having an influx of hormones that made her feel motherly in a way that she couldn’t understand.

Carrying a toy around while crying is a sign of false pregnancy. This typically happens 4-6 weeks after a heat cycle.

Around that time, Matilda would also get enlarged mammaries. I didn’t notice any other symptoms of false pregnancy, but you can look out for increased clinginess, refusal to eat, a distended belly and even lactation. While those symptoms typically clear up on their own, you might want to see your vet if you think there’s a chance your dog may actually be pregnant.

Dogs who are spayed no longer have ovaries, so they do not typically experience false pregnancy. Spaying also eliminates your dog’s chance of getting the serious uterine infection, pyometra. That’s a big reason I eventually decided to spay Matilda at 3 years, even though I was nervous about the procedure due to her size.

Male dogs can also have weird, protective behaviors over toys, though they do not go through the same hormonal fluctuations, so they do not experience false pregnancy. Most male dogs do not take on an active role in parenting when real puppies are born, but some do.

Becoming protective over a toy could, quite possibly, be instinctive, fatherly behavior. As spayed females occasionally do have false pregnancies, it may not necessarily be related to hormones in every case.