Why do dogs walk like that with shoes on? Find Out Here

How To Make Your Dogs Wear Shoes

First, show your pet dog the shoes the same way we do before giving them a new toy or treats.

You can add gestures like putting them on your fingers and do some ‘finger strutting’ on the floor

Then, let them see and sniff a pair up close. Do this to help your dog feel less stressed by their new kicks, which will let them know that shoes aren’t a threat.

Start putting a shoe on for each foot at intervals.

Let a shoe stay on your dog’s foot for about 10 minutes or so.

Once there’s no shaking or constant biting it off, it’s a good sign.

Then, repeat for each foot until all four paws are covered.

Now that your dog have the shoes on, it’s time to let them have a kick.

Play with them. It’s, important not to laugh once they start walking strangely. Be encouraging!

Attach the leash and go for a mock walk around the house, doing your best to have them follow your lead. Walk your dog in this way for a shorter time than a regular walk outside until your dog becomes familiar with the new footwear.

Make sure the footwear is secure so that it doesn’t hamper your dog’s walk.

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Yes. For protection from hot pavements and sharp objects.

It’s Probably Not Pain

In some cases, a shoe that doesn’t fit right can rub on your dog’s foot and cause irritation or even pain. However, that’s a rare issue.

Generally, shoes are not going to cause your dog any pain, though they might be a bit uncomfortable. Dog shoes are designed to provide protection, so if they were causing pain or damage, they would be counterproductive. There’s no need to worry if your dog can’t walk normally when it first starts wearing shoes. It’s not a sign that your dog is hurt or that the shoes are painful, it’s just going to take a while for your dog to get used to the new sensation.

Funny Dogs in Boots 2014 [NEW HD]

When the feedback loop (called proprioception) is hindered by shoes or even a bandage, a dog assumes that their foot is stuck and the presence of increased pressure from boots only propagates this suspicion. Thus, we observe the dog walking as if it’s trying to release its paw from a position of temporary imprisonment.