Why does my rat terrier sleep under the covers? A Step-by-Step Guide

Why do dogs sleep under the covers? Here’s what experts say

You like to believe that your fur baby gets under the blankets just to get closer to you…and you may be partially right. Because dogs are pack animals, feeling the touch of a family member while sleeping can be the ultimate form of comfort and warmth. Your presence lets them know they’re protected and part of the pack, even if they only snuggle up when they feel anxious. This may feel especially comforting for pups who grew up with their siblings—just think about puppy piles.

Snuggling under the covers has instinctual roots, too. Not long ago, dogs and wolves were born, raised, and sheltered in dens or caves, so it’s easy to see why your pup might feel cozy in a small space of their own.

Canine behaviorist Clarissa Fallis explains that certain breeds might be even more likely to burrow. Small hunting breeds like dachshunds and beagles “tend to mimic their innate behavior of flushing out small animals from tunnels by burrowing.” She goes on to explain, “Larger burrowers, like Huskies, live in extreme temperatures that make the instinct to burrow under the snow crucial for staying warm.”

Whether your fur baby is actually cold, anxious, or just used to a routine of denning behavior, burrowing is generally not a cause for concern. Of course, there are a few safety precautions you can take to make it the best experience possible.

Your presence also gives your dog that feeling of support which he craves as an animal evolved to function in a pack or family unit. He knows that you feel safe enough to retreat there for sleep and you are a valued friend, family member, and mentor. You have marked the area as a safe zone and you spend a good portion of your time there. As members of a pack, you share responsibility for raising an alarm and protecting each other. Being near you when you sleep is very natural to your dog.

Pack animals, like dogs, know that their choice of sleeping quarters can be a matter of life or death. Their den is one of their most values resources. The snugness of the sheets can promote feelings of safety and refuge as well. Most of all, our dogs want to be under the sheets because that is where WE are and the safest place is always with your family.

Does your dog love to bury himself under your covers to sleep? Many dogs do. It is fun to think about why they might do this seemingly very human thing. If we consider the way a dog sees life, it is easy to imagine why he tucks himself in at night.

Animals depend on the concept of resources. Resources are things like food, water, and shelter. Your bed represents a shelter or den to your dog. Since the bed is a place where he regularly goes, it is marked with his scent and it is part of his routine. He instinctively crawls into his den as a happy and safe zone. Under the covers may feel like the inner sanctum of his den to him- the safest of the safe.

When your dog is tucked away under the sheets, she feels surrounded, even swaddled and feeling firm pressure has been suggested to improve brain chemistry for anxious dogs.1 Certain breeds of dogs will even seem to prefer to burrow for entertainment. Think of the terrier type dog and the Dachshund whose long body was originally an advantage for climbing in tight burrows. The pressure of the sheets snug around your dog probably makes her brain release happy chemicals that give her a sense of security and well-being and maybe even fun.

Why do rat terriers like to sleep under the covers?

Small-prey hunters, like terriers and Dachshunds, tend to show their heritage of flushing out small animals from their tunnels by burrowing in blankets. According to some pet experts, dogs are “denning” animals: It is a dog’s instinct to sleep or relax in a small and protected space to feel warm and safe.

Why does my dog sleep under the covers?

Katy and Shell are two style-savvy dog mums who celebrate the best in pet-friendly living. A professional pet photographer and dog lifestyle writer, together they bring dog-friendly inspiration, pet product recommendations, dog treat recipes, pet expert advice and the best in emerging and designer dog brands into the homes of discerning pet parents around the world.

Okay okay, so we let our two boys share the bed with us (yes they have their own luxury dog beds, but these are their ‘day beds’ apparently!)

Besides, most people consider their four-legged friends to be a part of the family. So, it’s not uncommon for pet parents to let their dogs sleep in bed with them, right? Our two boys wouldn’t have it any other way, and boy do they take up a lot of space!

Sure, your dog sleeping under a blanket is an adorable dog photo op no doubt…but is it safe? Can dogs suffocate under blankets? After all, dogs can’t manoeuvre the covers on a bed or couch as easily as humans.

As a dog mum or pet parent, it’s normal to have a thousand questions, especially if you have a dog breed that likes to burrow.

If your canine companion can’t get enough of crawling beneath the blankets when they want to get nice and cozy (who can really blame them!) then let’s take a closer look at why, and how you can ensure your dog stays safe when sleeping under the covers.