Why does my dog bite my sheets? Essential Tips

Why does my dog nibble the bed?

Below are likely causes and what would make them more likely.

It is likely that your bed will have a strange taste to it due to the dead skin cells and sweat that will have built up on it. It could be the case that your dog nibbles the bed because it likes the way it tastes. This would be more likely if it nibbles other things that you use such as your pillow or your bed sheets.

A part of the reason might also be that it is bored and looking for a way to stimulate itself. This would be more likely if it tends to do it more when it has not gotten any exercise. It would help to ensure that it is able to get the daily amount of recommended exercise for its age and breed.

It is also likely that your bed have a strong scent on it. It might be the case that your dog has been nibbling on the bed because the bed calms it down when you are away. This would be more likely if your dog only seems to be doing it when you are not around and when you are about to leave home. It would also be more likely if it also shows signs of being anxious when you are leaving home by doing things such as pacing or crying.

Another possible cause is that your dog has learned that it will get rewards if it nibbles your bed. If you tend to give it things such as extra attention, toys or treats, when it nibbles your bed, it will likely do it more in order to get more rewards. Instead, it would help to stop it from damaging the bed, ignore it and to give it attention when it calms down.

The reason why your dog has been doing it might be that it has been teething. This would be more likely if it is a puppy, it has started doing it suddenly and if it has been nibbling on other things a lot as well. In this case, it would help to give it other things to chew instead.

Below are some things to consider to help figure out the main cause.

If your dog did not always nibble your bed, it would help to consider what else occurred when it first started doing it. If it started doing it suddenly, it might be due to things such as learning that the behavior gets rewarded, teething or something causing it to become anxious.

If your dog tends to nibble the bed more at a certain time, it would also help to consider what is different in the timing that your dog nibbles your bed.

For example, if it normally nibbles your bed when you leave home, it would be more likely to be due to things such as separation anxiety.

Whereas, if it does it more when you have not been giving it much attention, it might be doing it because it knows it will result in you giving it attention.

What to do about your dog nibbling the bed

Below are some options you have when dealing with the behavior.

As mentioned above, it might be the case that your dog has learned that the behavior gets rewarded. Instead, it would help to reward it when it behaves the way you want it to and to avoid rewarding it when it does not.

It would also help to give it things to be distracted with especially if it seems to be teething. Things you could give it would be toys, chews and bones.

Another thing you could do is to redirect its focus whenever it seems likely to start nibbling on your bed. Things to redirect its focus towards could include toys, a bone or a task to complete. It would help to try to redirect its focus before it starts doing it otherwise it might learn that the behavior gets rewarded.

It would also help to limit possible reasons why it might be being anxious. Ways to do so would be to ensure that the room it stays in is cool, quiet and that there is a space for it to lay down. It would also help to let it pee, eat and get exercise before leaving it.

Why Does My Dog Chew Bed Sheets?

Your dog chews bed sheets because they are feeling stressed and anxious. Chewing releases endorphins that help them feel better, and your bed sheets are a great target because they smell like you, which also comforts your dog. Even freshly cleaned sheets will carry your scent (remember that your dog has an extremely good sense of smell).

Obviously, though, you can’t allow this to continue because you don’t want to constantly be replacing your bed sheets because your dog chewed them up. If your dog is chewing up your bed sheets and continues to do so even after being told to stop, then they are blatantly ignoring your commands which means you also have a dominance issue on your hands.

You need to get a handle on this problem right away. If you don’t, not only are you losing money due to the destroyed bed sheets, you’re also giving your dog the idea that acting like this is okay. Even worse, you’re giving them the idea that they are in fact the dominant one, and can continue to do absolutely anything they want, regardless of what you say.

I’m sure you can see how obnoxious (and expensive) this could quickly get. To learn how to stop your dog chewing up your bed sheets while also addressing the root causes of their behavior, go back to the first section now and we’ll walk you through exactly what to do.

Why Does My Dog Suck On Blankets (10 Reasons Explained)

Pets are like family, and just like you wouldn’t skimp on a mattress where you’ll spend 1/3 of your life, many pet owners are willing to invest in a bed that’s comfortable and supportive to make sure their dog is able to rest in style and comfort. Knowing that investment, it can be frustrating to come home and find that your dog has chewed through their bed, and your investment. Beds are a popular target for chewers because they’re soft and fuzzy, similar to a prey animal.

Today, we’ll be spending a little time discussing why dogs tear up their beds, what you can do to help curb that behavior, and what you should be looking for in chew proof dog beds.

Like babies, your dog explores much of the world through their mouth, so from puppyhood, this behavior may evolve as a way for your dog to try and understand the world around them. Chewing, like scratching in cats, is part of a dog’s instinctual behavior, so it’s important to manage your expectations when it comes to chewing behaviors as a whole. Rather than trying to stop this behavior altogether, your best bet will be to redirect your dog toward toys and other acceptable items to chew on.

Whether you’re away from the home or have a busy home life that keeps you away from your dog, it’s important to remember that the majority of your dog requires stimulation for both the mind and the body. Without regular walks, toys to play with, and other enrichment activities, dogs may become destructive out of boredom, or to get a reaction from owners. Similarly, if your dog experiences separation anxiety, bed chewing can manifest as an anxiety behavior. Again, you can redirect this behavior by ensuring that your dog gets regular exercise and enrichment while you’re at home, including appropriate chew toys and other items that will make chewing on the bed seem less appealing.

If you can’t trace the problem to lack of enrichment elsewhere and have been unsuccessful in redirecting your dog’s attention, it’s possible that an underlying health issue may be at play. Whether you suspect a compulsive chewing disorder or a gastrointestinal issue, you should discuss this issue with your vet as soon as possible.