Why does my dog chase runners? Get Your Pet Thinking

How to Train Your Dog To Stop Chasing

One key to successfully training dogs not to chase is to teach them to curb their chasing impulse before it starts. But if your dog is already chasing something, don’t chase after them. It will only encourage your pup to think you are playing – and that will likely prolong the chase.

Leashes and treats are your friends when trying to train your dog not to chase. Even if you have a well-fenced backyard, if you have a dog who is prone to taking off after birds or squirrels, it will help to practice being on-leash. Bring a handful of high-value treats with you and treat your dog every time they look at you and then start to add in the verbal “watch” cue. Treat any opportunity you take your dog outside, even for a quick potty break, as an opportunity to train. Keep your dog leashed and have lots of treats, and offer big praise for any attention your dog gives you, even if it’s a quick glance.

If your dog is very toy-motivated, bring a toy into the yard, and you can reward them with the opportunity to play with that. The key is to make yourself more rewarding and exciting than whatever your dog wants to chase.

When your dog begins to focus on you while leashed, even with squirrels present, you can start to let the pup off-leash in your fenced yard. But keep treating anytime your dog looks at you or moves near you, verbally marking with a “yes” or clicking if you are clicker training. And be sure to put them back on-leash if birds or squirrels make an appearance.

Essentially, you’ll be working with your dog to build focus impulse control — teaching them to remain calm when exciting things are happening and to wait until they are released for something they want. Reward your dog for staying near you and ignoring distractions, then practice in gradually more distracting environments as your dog gains more confidence and ability to focus around distractions.

Even though chasing small animals and birds is fun for dogs, it’s important to teach your pup to be respectful. It’s never appropriate to allow dogs to harass wildlife when in parks. Follow leash laws and practice getting, and keeping, your dog’s attention when passing things that are tempting to chase. Not only is it disrespectful to allow dogs to harass wildlife, it can be dangerous to your dog. Animals like squirrels, raccoons, rats, and bats can carry diseases that can make your dog sick.

Which Breeds Are Most Likely to Chase?

Chasing is something that comes naturally to most dogs, but Sighthounds of all sizes from Afghan Hounds to Whippets were specifically bred over thousands of years to chase down prey. These dogs have excellent eyesight and awareness of the world around them, so chasing comes naturally to them. Although Sighthounds are practically guaranteed to want to chase small moving animals, they are not alone in being aroused and highly interested in squirrels and other fast animals.

Herding Group breeds are also particularly prone to chasing bicycles, skateboarders, and runners, as it awakens their instinctual desire to gather and herd livestock.

The desire to chase is inherent to many dogs and is a highly self-rewarding behavior, but because some dogs enjoy it so much, it can be extra challenging to train them not to do it.

Why does my dog chase runners?

Clubs Offering:

  • Chasing is a natural canine instinct, especially among Sighthounds and herding dogs.
  • Training your dog to build impulse control and avoid distractions is a good way to curb chasing.
  • Games like fetch and dog sports like Lure Coursing are great ways to channel chasing instincts.

Does your dog chase cars, bikes, skateboarders, squirrels, or other wildlife? You aren’t alone. Chasing is part of a dog’s natural instinct, but it’s also one of the most frustrating behaviors for dog owners — and it can be dangerous for your dog. The good news is that it’s possible to train your dog to ignore the temptation to chase and even channel that desire into games and sports.

Train your Dog to Stop Chasing and Lunging at Cars, Bikes, Runners | EveryDoggy

How do I get my dog to stop chasing runners? Have you ever been out walking your dog, and then a runner or jogger comes along? It gets quite frustrating or embarrassing if your dog starts running after them. I know I’d had to exchange a couple of apologies to joggers who were frightened by my dog while they were running. It took me a while, but it is possible to train your dog to stop this behavior.

How do we get our dogs to stop chasing runners? The first thing to do is to keep the dog on a leash. Train them the verbal command “leave it,” this should make the dog sit down and let the runner pass by. The best way to encourage and cultivate this behavior is through using rewards and treats.