Why does my dog cry when I’m on the phone? Get Your Pet Thinking

Do dogs get jealous of phones?

The video is further proof that dogs can actually get jealous – and not just of you and your mobile phone. … It’s the same when they start pushing another dog out of the way when you give them attention – jealousy.

Why Does My Dog Bark When The Phone Rings?

Maybe you looked at that list and realized exactly what is going on with your best friend and why he howls when the phone rings. If so, that’s awesome. Skip down to the section about how to stop your dog from howling if you need more help.

If you still aren’t sure what’s going on with your pooch, keep reading. I’ll go into detail about the reasons your dog might be howling at the phone.

There could be a couple of different things going on here. First, you need to understand that dogs have much better and more sensitive hearing than we do. This means that when your phone rings, your dog could be hearing sounds that are outside of our hearing range. These sounds might not be that pleasant for your dog.

The other thing about having better hearing than us is that the ringing (including the noises we can’t hear) may simply be too loud for your dog. If you have ever had a loud sound hurt your ears, you can imagine how it would feel for your dog.

No wonder it makes some dogs howl!

Whether it was done on accident or purpose, someone in your dog’s life may have conditioned your dog to start howling when the phone rings.

It might have started as a game or a way to get attention from whoever was on the phone. If every time the phone rang and your dog howled, you and you patted him on the head, he would probably start to associate the two pretty quickly.

There is also the possibility that someone was mean to your dog while they talked on the phone. Now, your dog is worried that whenever the phone rings, whoever answers it will be mean again. Unfortunately, not all dogs start their lives in the best conditions and this is a real possibility.

As your dog’s owner, you’re his whole world. You mean everything to him and he wants to be with you as much as possible.

When you’re talking on the phone, he can’t be with you. All he knows is that every time the phone rings, you leave him alone and go talk to someone else. It’s enough to make a dog feel a little left out and bark for your attention!

Why does my dog react when my phone rings?

Possible reasons why your dog barks when the phone rings are that it thinks there is a threat, it gets rewards when it barks, it causes it to become excited, it wants to alert you to possible danger or that it is reacting to the high pitch.

14 Signs Your Dog Doesn’t Love You (Even if You Think They Do)

For this Omaha dog training session we worked with a pair of dogs, 11 year-old Laso Poodle mix Larry (left) and 13 year-old Westie mix Dixie, training them to not bark when their human gets on the phone.

Dixie is the more vocal of the two dogs; whimpering or whining to get attention and barking when her guardian gets on the phone. Many dogs bark when their owner is on the phone, this is the dog’s way of getting thier attention. And like many dog guardian’s Dixie’s mom would shush her when she barked while she was on a ph call. But any attention to dogs is rewarding, so this attempt to stop the dog from barking when her human was on the phone was actually reinforcing and rewarding the barking behavior.

Instead of trying to correct a dog from barking when you are on the phone, its much better to teach your dog that being quiet when you are on the phone is rewarding. You can learn how to train your dog to be quiet when you are on the phone by watching the free positive dog training video below.

This is an easy way to stop any dog from barking when you are on the phone. It just takes some practice and patience. Id like to see the guardian practice this secret to getting dogs to stop barking when we are on the phone 3 times a day for a week. If she gradually increases the duration for these “practice calls” it shouldn’t be long before the dogs are quiet when their guardian is on the phone.

Another issue was Larry’s habit of takng out his frustrations on Dixie physically going after her. Luckily nothing bad has happened, but it was obviously a concern for their guardian. We withnessed a little dust up when Dixie showed interest in our trainer Laura’s treat bag.

To stop this resource guarding issue, the guardian will need to learn to watch for warning signs from Larry. We went over what to watch for as well as show the guardian a targeting exercise that will allow her to redirect one dog to touch her hand and the other dog to touch her foot. Id like to see the guardian practice this exercise 3-4 times a day, in different locaitons, with about 10 treats each time, to develop a strong response.

We covered a number of other dog behavior tips in this in home Omaha dog training session. We sumaraze it all in the roadmap to success video below.