Why does my dog flinch in the sun? Here’s What to Do Next

#4: They didn’t get socialized properly

Dogs are naturally social beings. They love connecting with humans, dogs, and even other animals.

This is one reason why they are called “pack animals”; they thrive mainly by being in a group. And because of this, dogs survive longer in the wild and they’re able to travel far.

In today’s age, most domesticated dogs no longer have the need of their pack for survival. So unless you’re Tarzan who lives in the jungle, your dog isn’t in immediate danger.

But their instinct to stay in a pack is still there. However, if their socialization skills weren’t trained, dogs can shy away when in crowds.

And because of this, canines sometimes get startled when people and other dogs touch them. Even getting near them can make them flinch out of surprise.

That’s why pups need to be socialized as soon as possible. Research shows that dogs who interact with humans and other dogs become less fearful.

But it’d be safer if your dog gets their vaccine shots first. This way, they are protected from viruses that can be extremely harmful to them.

A good estimate would be to wait for 7 days from the day your fur baby got vaccinated.

Adult canines can still be trained to socialize well with other dogs and humans. What’s important is to slowly introduce them to it to avoid getting them stressed.

Don’t forget to check out: 17 Reasons Why Your Dog Barks At Certain People + 5 Tips

Why are my dogs pupils two different sizes?

Anisocoria is a condition in which a dog’s two pupils are unequal in size. This is a symptom of a wide range of underlying causes, including head trauma, degeneration of the eye, or exposure to chemicals. Occasionally, the anisocoria will resolve on its own.

What to do with hotspots on dogs?

Treatment of hot spots typically involves some combination of the following:

  • Clipping the hair around the area to prevent matting.
  • Cleaning the affected area with gentle antiseptic solutions such as chlorhexidine.
  • Prescribing topical or oral antibiotics to treat secondary bacterial infections.
  • Why is my dog flinching all of a sudden?