Why does my dog hate her tail? A Step-by-Step Guide

What to do if you dog doesn’t like their tail to be touched?

Now we better understand why your dog doesnt like their tail touched, we can think about what to do about it. In many cases, we will simply need to respect their boundaries. We should never invade the dogs space or disturb their privacy. In cases where a dog has been abused, it is even possible they will react negatively and there is even a risk of attack. It is important to understand this is not the dogs fault, but the situation will need to be managed.

It is important to use common sense. If a dog does not like to have their tail touched, we need to be careful not to do so. We should never try to force interaction. We also need to be careful with other family members, especially children. Kids often like to pull on a dogs tail, even if they dont know what they are doing.

Of course, if the dogs tail is broken or has an injury, we will need to treat this problem. Take the dog to a veterinarian for diagnosis and follow their advice until the tail is healed.

Is it medical? Could there be something wrong?

If your dog suddenly starts chasing or biting at his tail, you should schedule a veterinary visit. Dogs will chew at a painful area much like people rub an arthritic knee to provide relief. For example, dogs that get their tails caught in a closing door or nick them on a sharp object will chase and chew at their tails to soothe the injury.

Dogs may also chase their tails when they are infested with intestinal parasites like tape worms that migrate out the rectum. Tail-chasing can also occur when the dog itches around the rear-end due to fleas or food allergies. In addition, discomfort in the tail area due to impacted anal glands or neurological problems affecting this area often cause dogs to nip at their tails.

Medical problems should be diagnosed and treated by veterinarians who can provide pain relief for injuries, prevent and treat intestinal parasites and fleas, or evacuate impacted anal glands. Your veterinarian can also treat allergies with oral medications, such as Cytopoint®, Oclacitinib (brand name Apoquel®), cyclosporine (brand name Atopica®) to alleviate the signs and may recommend a hypo-allergenic diet. These treatments help to manage the condition but do not serve as a cure.

Man’s best friend can provide all kinds of fun and laughter just by being a dog, but perhaps nothing is more amusing than when your pup suddenly starts to obsess over her own tail and begins spinning around in circles, trying vainly to catch it.

What it boils down to is if you notice that your dog seems to be chasing after her tail an excessive amount, the best thing you can do for her health is to have her checked out by a veterinarian. It’s quite possible that she’s perfectly fine, but if she isn’t, the best way to diagnose the problem is with the help of a medical professional.

This is a sight that can incite laughter in even the most serious of people, but why exactly does it happen? Can it develop into something more serious? Why do dogs chase their tails so suddenly and obsessively?

How To Stop Your Dog From Chasing Their Tail