Why does my dog hate roller blades? A Complete Guide

Why do dogs hate things with wheels?

Chasing cars and bikes — basically anything that moves quickly — is instinctual for dogs. They are predators, after all. Swerving to avoid your dog may mean that the car ends up injuring the driver or others around them. …

Quickly moving bicyclists, skaters and runners can trigger a natural chase response in dogs. Skateboards not only move quickly, but they also make loud noises. Your dog could be alarmed and her response is her way of keeping the thing away. … That’s where you want to be with your dog when your friend skates past you.

Why do dogs develop fear aggression?

Another common root cause of fear aggression is a lack of appropriate socialization during the dog’s development. If a dog has not received adequate socialization, she will find it hard to cope with new things she encounters in her environment such as other dogs, animals or people.

Skateboarding Bulldogs are adorable. If your dog enjoys it and is not crashing into things, falling off, causing traffic, or getting hurt, you should continue letting him roll. He will love the breeze, the smells, and the attention he gets from being a skater.

Do dogs hate other things with wheels? It’s not the wheels that dogs hate, per se, but dogs who get agitated by skateboards are likely to get agitated by anything wheeled, moving thing. It all has to do with the predatory chase drive discussed above.

Why do skateboards scare some dogs?

Some dogs dont want to chase skateboards, though. Some dogs are terrified of them. Why? It might come down to the sound. The loud noise that accompanies a skateboard can alarm your dog and trigger his fight or flight response. While some dogs will fight, others definitively choose flight. Of course, if the dog is attached to a leash thats attached to your hand, well, you might be dragged along for the flight too.

Barking and lunging at scooters – how Diesel’s behaviour was changed (CASI)

Dogs often have behavior that seems bizarre to us, but make perfect sense to them based on their instincts. Sometimes that behavior seems silly, but other times it can be dangerous and turns into something we need to change. One of these common behaviors is barking or chasing skateboarders. Maybe its the rumble of the wheels as the skateboarders approach, or it could be the speed at which they rush by. Maybe your dog feels like he needs to herd them at the skatepark. It doesnt matter why hes barking at them, but it is important that you train your dog to stop barking at skateboarders as soon as it starts.

Barking at skateboarders can get your dog–and you–into a lot of trouble. If he starts to lunge or frightens someone riding a skateboard, that person could get hurt. Your dog could also get in the way of a loose board or of someone falling after being scared of his barking. Fortunately, there are several ways you can change his behavior and even make him think that skateboarders are good people to have around, rather than something to fear.

Some dogs are more prone to bark at skateboarders than others. Many herding dogs and dogs with a chase instinct naturally want to bark at something strange moving. If your dog has never seen a skateboarder, he might bark out of fear or alarm. Another reason he might bark is directly related to your reaction. If you get tense or are surprised by a skateboarder, he might read your tension as a sign of danger. He may bark to protect you.

Its important to keep in mind that this behavior is natural and not anything out of the ordinary. With a little hard work and some patience, you should be able to change his behavior and distract him or reassure him that skateboarders are not something to fear or to bark at.

To get started, make sure you start in a low stimulus area and that your dog has a good understanding of basic commands. You are going to be asking him to listen to your cues and slowly upping the stimulus, so its important to have some solid groundwork established. When you are ready you are going to need these supplies:

Below are three different methods you can try with your dog. Each is a little different so you can see which one will be the best fit or try several methods. If you put in time and effort, eventually your dog will stop barking at skateboarders.

Call out your dogs name and praise him as soon as he turns to face you. Give him a treat and keep practicing.

Now ask him to sit facing you after he turns. Give him more treats and praise when he does this.

Now walk away from him and call his name again. He should come to you, turn to face you, and sit down. If he doesnt, go back and practice the last few steps.

Now move outside. If you dont have a fence, put him on a leash and practice the same commands until he can come to you and sit facing you whenever you call his name.

Have a friend slowly walk by your dog without a skateboard. Call your dogs name. When he comes to sit and face you, give him lots of treats and praise.

Now have your friend slowly pass by with the skateboard. Make sure he is going very slow. Call your dog and praise him when he turns to face you and sits. Dont be afraid to go back a few steps if you need to.

Ask your friend to skate by at full speed, with all the noise and movement that an unknown skateboarder would have. Keep asking your dog to turn and sit, and keep praising and treating him when he does it.

Now you are ready to try it out in the real world. Take your dog to an area where you have seen skateboarders before and practice the steps. After a little while, he should automatically turn to face you and sit when a skateboarder goes by.

As your friend is approaching, ask your dog to sit and stay. As the skateboarder slowly approaches, give your dog lots of treats and praise. Once he passes, keep going.

Practice asking your dog to sit and stay as the skateboarder slowly goes by. Make sure you are treating him before he can bark. Never treat him after he barks. If he does bark, simply release the sit and try again.