Why does my dog keep throwing up at night? What to Know

What’s the Difference Between Vomiting and Regurgitation?

Recognizing the difference between vomiting and regurgitation is an important distinction to make if you want to help your dog. It’ll also help you determine whether your dog requires medical assistance.

Unlike vomiting, regurgitation usually occurs immediately after your dog has eaten. It’s also less taxing on your dog’s body, with no abdominal contractions. Usually, it’s a result of an issue with your dog’s esophagus rather than further along in your dog’s digestive system. Due to this, the food never made it to your dog’s stomach, so it is often undigested. Causes of regurgitation include:

  • Eating too fast or too much
  • Throat problems
  • Congenital problems
  • Cancer, foreign bodies, rabies, poisoning, and myopathy
  • Esophageal disease
  • Where regurgitation is somewhat effortless, vomiting is more strenuous on your dog. Not only can your dog feel nauseated and restless, but they can also suffer from muscle contractions in their abdomen. It can be a pretty uncomfortable situation for your dog.

    Most of the time, cases of acute vomiting go away on their own within a few hours. However, chronic vomiting, or vomiting that lasts for longer than 24 hours, suggests the presence of an underlying health issue. In this case, it’s best to visit a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis.

    Going Too Long Without Meals

    Even if your dog doesn’t suffer from acid reflux, going too long without eating can cause vomiting. If you feed your dog his dinner earlier in the day or only feed your dog in the morning, this may lead to vomiting. Going too long without eating can lead to an acid buildup that results in foamy white vomit. Try feeding your dog a snack right before bed or splitting food into more meals throughout the day.

    Your Dog Has Bloat

    Bloat is another serious health condition where a dog’s stomach becomes so full of food, gas, or liquid that it bloats excessively. A bloated stomach can restrict blood flow to essential organs, making it difficult for your dog to breathe.

    Signs of bloat include vomiting white foam along with any of these additional symptoms:

    Bloat is very serious and can be life-threatening. If you suspect bloat, get your dog to the vet as a matter of urgency.

    How To Care For A Dog Throwing Up? | Types Of Dog Vomit And What They Mean | Veterinarian Explains

    Vomiting is usually seen in the morning or late night just before eating, especially in dogs that are fed once daily. This might be due to prolonged periods between meals, or to related stomach inactivity, which aggravates the bile reflux. This condition is commonly seen in older dogs but can occur at any age.