Why does my dog kick his back legs on the carpet? Here’s What to Expect

11 reasons why your dog kicks his back legs (like a bull)

Did you just prepare Fido’s meal?

If so, then maybe you sparked your pup’s excitement.

Dogs convey their enthusiasm in many forms. And kicking their back legs is one of those. It’s like a push from their happiness inside.

Try to observe when this behavior starts to occur.

Do they start to bull kick when you’re opening a bag of treats? Or when you’re taking their toys out?

You see, simple things make a dog thrilled. You’ll know that your pawed baby’s excited if they are:

  • Unable to settle.
  • Wagging their tail.
  • Jumping and panting.
  • Grinning with an open mouth.
  • With their tongue hanging out.
  • Reading tip: 15 Weird Reasons Why Your Dog Is So Hyper All Of A Sudden

    Why Does My Dog Kick While Lying Down?

    If you notice your dog kicking while lying down, it is probably a playful gesture and nothing to worry about. Some dogs will kick their back legs out and roll over to show their belly. This is a sign that they’re comfortable with you. If your dog is kicking while sleeping, they may be dreaming and physically acting out the scene. This is also nothing to worry about.

    However, if your dog cannot control their kicking whilst lying down, you may need to consult a vet. Though rare, this could indicate a health problem that will need immediate veterinary attention.

    #3: Scratch reflex

    Why does my dog kick his back legs on the carpet?

    Bull kicking in dogs may also occur involuntarily.

    Just like when you’re scratching your dog and they suddenly kick.

    That unconscious movement is called a scratch reflex. It refers to a dog’s uncontrolled response to touch.

    Here’s how it works:

    Your dog’s skin has nerves underneath it. And there’s a part which is a dog’s ‘sweet spot’.

    Let’s say you’re scratching your dog or giving them a belly rub. If you happen to hit the ‘sweet spot’, the nerves will start to react.

    The nerves will send a message traveling to your dog’s spinal cord.

    But instead of sending it to the brain, it goes directly to Fido’s back legs. Which makes the legs involuntarily kick as a reaction.

    This reaction can be similar when a dog is jumpy when surprised.

    Fun fact: The scratch reflex can help in diagnosing health problems. Such as brain or nerve damage.

    Why does my dog kick their back leg when I scratch their tummy?

    Dogs sometimes have some strange behavior. You may notice your dog kicking their legs back after going to the bathroom or when there are other dogs around. Why is that? In today’s article we are going to talk about all the reasons why your dog is kicking his/her legs back and what it means!