Why does my dog not eat unless I’m there? A Comprehensive Guide

Dogs do not necessarily have manners, but they may have been trained to wait for you to eat either out of respect or learned behaviors from you. Dogs are social animals so they may just not have any interest in eating while alone and will eat when you come back. Some dogs are too anxious, either from separation anxiety or because they are more focused on protecting their territory to really sit and eat a meal. If they eat when you return and do not exhibit any other problems, you need not be too concerned. If they are exhibiting other negative behaviors, it is best to consult with a trainer to rule out any deeper psychological problems.

Have you ever been running late, fed your dog as you headed out the door, only to come home that evening to find his bowl untouched? Have you traveled for a few days and your pup’s caretaker reports he did not eat while you were gone? While these scenarios can be stressful and worrisome, they are normal. Your pup is not on a food strike, he just prefers to eat with you. Your return will likely bring on the return of his appetite as well and the issue is resolved. If he does not return to his normal diet, then consult your veterinarian so that you can eliminate any medical sources of decreased appetite.

First and foremost, a well-exercised dog is a happy dog. Spending time with you on walks, playing catch, or even training can go a long way in easing his separation anxiety. While home with him, remain calm at all times whenever you hear a noise outside in the hopes that he too will grow to ignore every bump and beep. When you are away, trainers recommend leaving on some sort of soothing background noise such as classical music or children’s television programs. Closing the blinds can help as well.

While no one doubts that wolves run in a pack and an alpha is essential to establishing order, there are many trainers that do not feel you need to run your home in the same manner to keep your dog’s behavior in check. If your dog is more of a beta personality, to begin with, you may not need to hold him to the same standards as you would a more alpha prone or stubborn breed. Occasionally feeding your dog before yourself may work just fine in your home, and could alleviate the problem of his not eating when you are not around to eat first. The same holds true while training your pup in that you may want to leave the area while he eats so he grows accustomed to eating whether or not he is alone or in a social setting. If your dog is too anxious to eat while you are gone, look for ways to make him more settled during your absence.

As pack animals, dogs are most at ease when working in a group and surrounded by the members of their pack. There is structure, order, and reliability that put him at ease. In your home, there is a pack order, ideally with you as the alpha, and each member of your family has a place. The pack leader does everything first, from walking ahead to entering and leaving a room, and eating. Many trainers, training books, and websites stress the need to establish yourself as the alpha in order to properly train your furry friend and to maintain control over his behavior. With that in mind, it is highly stressed that you are to always eat prior to your dog to establish and hold your place as the alpha. Allowing your dog to eat before you suggests to him that he is ahead of you in the pecking order and that this could derail your status as the big dog in charge. If you have followed this advice, and your dog has completely bought into your being alpha, he will not be able to eat before you do. If he has not seen you eat then he is stuck, as he does not want to break the chain of command. You have essentially trained him so that he will not eat before you.

Remember, your dog’s manners are a reflection of you. And your manners may well influence how others see your furry baby. From dog park disagreements to rifts with your roommate to defending your decision to dress up your pup, Dear Labby’s got the solution. So don’t let pet etiquette problems destroy your dog’s reputation or your own. Trust a professional–Dear Labby to the rescue!

Why does my dog want me to watch him eat?

It is a common to wonder why does my dog eat when I eat? We anthropomorphize our animals all the time, giving them human characteristics and even creating an inner monologue for them. If a human was to demand we watch them eat (and not eat without being watched), we would have understandable concerns. This is why it is important to note that dogs are social animals. In nature they would hunt and eat in a group, a natural behavior that is also present in other canids such as hyenas or wolves.

Perhaps you have noticed that your puppy wont eat unless you are next to them? It is necessary for us to develop close bonds with our dogs from the time they are young. This important period of socialization in puppies will help reduce behavioral problems, protect them, establish boundaries and give them the best quality of life.

However, this bonding as a puppy might work too well. Dogs learn by association. If you have accustomed your dog to eating with you in a certain room, they may think they are not allowed to eat anywhere else or with anyone else. In their mind, to eat without you is not an option. They will choose any time to eat only while you are near. And even if you do not eat at the same time, they will enjoy your presence while doing so.

While establishing the habit while they are a puppy is one reason your dog only eats when you eat, it is not the only one. It can happen in older dogs all of a sudden, implying another causes of their eating anxiety.

Many things can happen while you leave your dog at home. An alarm may ring, a postman visits, noisy construction begins and much more. While some dogs are comfortable if you leave them alone for a few hours, others are more sensitive. They can have difficulty relaxing in solitude and spend most of the time alarmed from every noise, no matter how small.

They are not only affected by your absence but do not feel safe in that environment. Therefore, they cannot properly protect their home. Remember that dogs are territorial animals, so this discomfort will be reflected in their lack of appetite. Your return home will make them feel more relaxed because they know that you will protect them.

When a dog is scared all of a sudden, there are many reasons behind it. It is common in shelter dogs or those which have experienced trauma, even if behavioral issues such as eating anxiety only develop later.

Why does my dog not eat unless I’m there?

Another reason why your dog is unable to eat when youre not around is their guardians active influence. It is important to spend time training our dog to help them navigate their environment in a healthy way. While ignoring their training is a problem, providing the wrong education can also be an issue.

If we train our dog to eat at certain times and in certain areas, they may associate this as you giving them permission to eat only when you are there. This can happen whether you use negative or positive reinforcement for dogs. It is often something we do unwittingly, but our encouragement can become misplaced.

This may also occur if your dog has trouble eating in the first place and you try to train them to eat better. Its not always our fault, but we may accidentally teach them that we need to be around in order for them to eat.

One of the most common problems related to eating is separation anxiety in dogs. This means your dog does not like being away from their human best friend, so they will not eat without your presence. In this case it is not the environment, it is the absence of the person. This behavior is a physiological and psychological way of expressing their frustration.

Not all dogs suffering from separation anxiety stop eating. However, it is quite common. Some dogs that go through this stage of separation can skip meals but continue eating at other times. Others do not even approach the feed because they just do not feel like it.

This is not the only behavior a dog assumes when they experience separation anxiety. Analyze the whole context. Does your dog have other destructive behaviors when you leave home? Do they defecate, break, bite and howl on a prolonged basis? If the answer is yes, your pet might well fall into this category.

It is best to consult with an ethologist, canine educator or trainer, although you can also start home rehabilitation. Do not forget that, in the long term, it can become a serious problem. Always go to a professional for guidance if you are at all unsure.

Why does my dog not eat unless I’m there?

My DOG WON’T EAT Unless I AM THERE ‍♂️ (4 Causes and Solutions)

Have you ever been running late, fed your dog as you headed out the door, only to come home that evening to find his bowl untouched? Have you traveled for a few days and your pup’s caretaker reports he did not eat while you were gone? While these scenarios can be stressful and worrisome, they are normal. Your pup is not on a food strike, he just prefers to eat with you. Your return will likely bring on the return of his appetite as well and the issue is resolved. If he does not return to his normal diet, then consult your veterinarian so that you can eliminate any medical sources of decreased appetite.

As pack animals, dogs are most at ease when working in a group and surrounded by the members of their pack. There is structure, order, and reliability that put him at ease. In your home, there is a pack order, ideally with you as the alpha, and each member of your family has a place. The pack leader does everything first, from walking ahead to entering and leaving a room, and eating. Many trainers, training books, and websites stress the need to establish yourself as the alpha in order to properly train your furry friend and to maintain control over his behavior. With that in mind, it is highly stressed that you are to always eat prior to your dog to establish and hold your place as the alpha. Allowing your dog to eat before you suggests to him that he is ahead of you in the pecking order and that this could derail your status as the big dog in charge. If you have followed this advice, and your dog has completely bought into your being alpha, he will not be able to eat before you do. If he has not seen you eat then he is stuck, as he does not want to break the chain of command. You have essentially trained him so that he will not eat before you.

Dogs are very social animals and eating is a very social event. Social facilitation, a phenomenon where the behaviors of others influence your dog’s behavior, can also affect when he eats. He may simply need to see you eating to prompt his own desire to eat. On the same vein, if he is used to your being near him or standing over him while he eats, he may not feel prompted to eat without your presence. Anxiety can also keep your dog from eating before you or without you. Some theorists believe that a dog that struggles with separation anxiety may be too stressed to do anything other than pine for his owner, let alone eat. Dogs that are prone to guarding their homes a bit excessively may be too busy barking at each possible threat to eat their food. When you come home they can feel more secure and eat again.

While no one doubts that wolves run in a pack and an alpha is essential to establishing order, there are many trainers that do not feel you need to run your home in the same manner to keep your dog’s behavior in check. If your dog is more of a beta personality, to begin with, you may not need to hold him to the same standards as you would a more alpha prone or stubborn breed. Occasionally feeding your dog before yourself may work just fine in your home, and could alleviate the problem of his not eating when you are not around to eat first. The same holds true while training your pup in that you may want to leave the area while he eats so he grows accustomed to eating whether or not he is alone or in a social setting. If your dog is too anxious to eat while you are gone, look for ways to make him more settled during your absence.

First and foremost, a well-exercised dog is a happy dog. Spending time with you on walks, playing catch, or even training can go a long way in easing his separation anxiety. While home with him, remain calm at all times whenever you hear a noise outside in the hopes that he too will grow to ignore every bump and beep. When you are away, trainers recommend leaving on some sort of soothing background noise such as classical music or children’s television programs. Closing the blinds can help as well.

Separation anxiety can become a very difficult problem to live with and the behaviors that ensue are also hard to break. If your dog is not eating while you are not home and you think it is due to separation anxiety, it is important to address this head on. Typically, you will see other behaviors occurring as well, including but not limited to howling for a prolonged period of time, biting, defecating in the home, and breaking or tearing up objects or items in the home. You can record your dog when you are not at home to see if his not eating is not the only symptom. If his behaviors are erratic, it is strongly recommend you hire a licensed behavioral professional and trainer to fully evaluate what is going on and treat your pup before the behaviors get worse.

Dogs do not necessarily have manners, but they may have been trained to wait for you to eat either out of respect or learned behaviors from you. Dogs are social animals so they may just not have any interest in eating while alone and will eat when you come back. Some dogs are too anxious, either from separation anxiety or because they are more focused on protecting their territory to really sit and eat a meal. If they eat when you return and do not exhibit any other problems, you need not be too concerned. If they are exhibiting other negative behaviors, it is best to consult with a trainer to rule out any deeper psychological problems.