Why does my dog only hump my boyfriend? The Ultimate Guide

Displacement Behavior

If you find your dog humping your boyfriend, it may be a displacement behavior. Although it may sound like a concerning psychological term, displacement behavior is prevalent among dogs. This occurs when dogs become overstimulated, often causing anxiety or unease. These feelings begin to manifest in ways that seem unrelated. That’s why if your dog is excited to see your boyfriend, it may hump because it does not know what else to do.

If your boyfriend is meeting your dog for the first time, your dog may feel some anxiety. Therefore, humping is a widespread behavior when dogs meet new people. This behavior also happens among other dogs. If your dog meets your boyfriend for the first time and does this, it may be embarrassing, but it is also totally normal! The more times your dog is exposed to him, the less likely displaced anxiety will show thorough humping.

Why does my dog hump my boyfriend?

Your dog humps your boyfriend because of over-excitement. They might be so glad to see him or they want to play a lot. They may also be bored, anxious, craving attention, or have poor socialization skills. But, it’s also likely that your partner allows them to do it or it’s a reinforced behavior.

#5: They have lots of pent-up energy

How much exercise does your dog get every day?

If it’s less than what they need, humping can also be their way of releasing all the excess energy. And your boyfriend might be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Humping may look like a tiring activity. But for canines, it could be a great way to relieve their pent-up energy.

“So, how much daily exercise does my dog need?”

Usually, working breeds need at least 2 hours of exercise a day. While it’s between 30 to 60 minutes for small to giant dogs.

But whether this is the reason for your problem or not…

It’s important to exercise your dog every day. Not only physically (e.g., walking, playing fetch). But also mentally (e.g., training, puzzle toys).

Exercise helps strengthen both their mind and body. And it can also prevent emotional distress caused by the next reason…

Why Does My DOG HUMP ME? (Causes and What to Do)

Last summer, I house-sat for my parents while they went on vacation. Neither of their pets, a 14-year-old cat and an 11-year-old dog, do well being boarded, and it was much less stressful for me to stay with them than it would have been to send them somewhere.

I brought my dogs with me, so it was a very full household. Their elderly Lab cross, Duke, already knew Layla quite well. However, he wasn’t as familiar with my youngest pup, Mischief. This posed a bit of a problem.

You see, like many dogs, Duke tends to default to humping when he’s stressed or unsure. Any time my dogs would start to play, Duke’s lips would stretch back towards his ears, his brow would furrow, and he would grab Mischief with his front paws, attempting to mount her. With the forty-pound size difference between the two dogs, this did not make Mischief happy. Being a fairly socially savvy dog, she would spin around to face him when he did this, the doggy version of “knock that off,” and if that didn’t work she would escalate to snapping at him, saying, “no really, I mean it.”

Of course, knowing that Duke was likely to hump Mischief when he became anxious or excited, my boyfriend and I were able to prevent this behavior most of the time. When Duke started to circle towards Mischief, we would say his name, redirecting him to move towards us for praise and petting. When we had visitors over and Duke hit his limit of the amount of excitement he could stand before he could no longer make good choices, I put him on leash. If we couldn’t supervise the dogs, one or the other of them was crated.

Humping is a common behavior in dogs and is seen in both males and females, whether they are fixed or not. While it is most often attributed to “dominance,” nothing could be further from the truth. Dominance refers to priority access to a resource, and I have yet to see a dog use humping to gain access to food, toys, space, or anything else tangible. So, why do dogs hump? Here are the most common motivations behind humping in dogs:

Arousal: Once a dog hits a certain level of excitement, that energy has to go somewhere. Some dogs express their joy by doing “zoomies,” where they tuck their butt and sprint as fast as they can in circles. Some bark. Some hump.

Anxiety: Like Duke, most humpers whose owners seek my help are quite anxious. Anxiety leads to arousal, and as we saw above that leads to humping. Technically, canine behavior experts call this a “displacement” behavior. When the dog becomes anxious, he or she may scratch, sniff, dig, or hump. People display displacement behaviors too (although luckily humping is not usually one of them!): we check our phones, play with our hair, or look at our watch when we’re in socially uncomfortable situations.

Play: Play is interesting. When dogs or other mammals play, they mix up a bunch of behaviors in new sequences. These behaviors have very useful roots: chasing, stalking, and pouncing are useful hunting behaviors; mouthing and wrestling are useful fighting behaviors; and humping is a useful sexual behavior. Some biologists believe that play is practice for the real world. By mixing all of these useful behaviors up with some other signals that mean “just kidding, I’m still playing and not really planning to eat you for dinner,” dogs get a chance to practice moving their bodies in ways that could increase their chances of surviving a situation where the behaviors were needed for real.

Status: While this is a common attribution for humping, dogs almost never use humping as a form of status seeking or as a display of status. In fact, in over ten years of training, I’ve only met one dog who appeared to use humping as a means of status seeking. (And even in that case, the dog was also pretty insecure, so the humping was more likely caused by her anxiety than by her desire to climb the social ladder.)

It just feels good: Frankly, dogs just like to hump sometimes. All mammals masturbate, and some dogs will hump a favorite toy or pillow. From a behavioral standpoint, there’s no reason not to let Fido or Fifi have a little “me time” on occasion behind closed doors as long as it’s not causing problems. Before Dobby’s seizure disorder took over his life, he and Mischief would often hump each other when they were playing. As long as both dogs seemed okay with it I wouldn’t interrupt them (although I would ask them to take it outside). That doesn’t mean it’s always okay, though: I draw the line at humping people, and if my dogs do this I redirect them and teach them more appropriate ways to interact with humans.

So there you have it. Humping is a normal doggy behavior, albeit a somewhat embarrassing one for those of us on the other end of the leash. As for Duke, he’s long since stopped his anxious and inappropriate response to Mischief. Now that he’s gotten to know her better, he can play appropriately with her without resorting to humping. In fact, he just spent the past five days with her, and didn’t need to be redirected a single time… a relief for everyone involved.

Does your dog ever hump? Why do you think this happens? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!