Why does my dog only kiss one person? Get Your Pet Thinking

#3: Do not reward dog licking

Are you excited whenever your dog licks you?

Maybe you find it a tiny bit flattering. After all, we humans know the concepts of kissing. Dogs don’t. But their slobbery licks come close to that.

So, while you’re not in love with being licked by your dog, maybe you don’t mind it that much.

What does this mean for your dog?

Green light! Ready, set… licking time!

Saying “Hahah, go away!” or “Naaah, stop it!” but in a playful tone of voice doesn’t communicate to your dog you’re not okay with the behavior.

See, dogs pick up cues from our mood, body language, and tone of voice. This combo helps them better determine how to react in a situation.

So if you’re saying “NO.” but you’re not moving away, your dog might not take you seriously. I mean, it’s like placing a jar of tasty chocolate-chip cookies in front of a hungry child.

Say you’ve never before made any remarks about the child taking cookies from the jar.

But you’re not removing the jar or anything.

What is the child going to do?

By now they’re used to taking cookies. And that gave them the message it was all fine. Now, they’re a bit confused. But they could still take a cookie.

All because they have no idea that you’re being serious about restricting them. And also due to the fact that children are naturally curious and playful.

So they’ll likely test your boundaries. Not because they disrespect you. But because they’re explorers and are not used to taking “no” for an answer like most adults tend to.

But back to dog licking. If you teach your dog that they will get absolutely no attention, if they lick you, they’ll think twice next time.

#4: Taste-testing

The licked person just tastes nicer.

If that’s not you… Bummer! Right?

You don’t necessarily want to change the behavior. Not being licked is okay.

But understanding the behavior is interesting.

The explanation is that some people ate something tasty. And they might still have the taste on their mouth or fingers.

Or, it could be that the person in question ate something really smelly.

Then there’s something else to conasider…

Even if the person doesn’t taste like peanut butter, meat, or any other food, dogs like the taste of people.

Sometimes, your dog would like to lick your lips. By doing so, they get an idea of what you’ve eaten and how tasty it was.

Other times it can happen after exercising hard. Or after sweating for any other reason. Your dog’s tongue will be then drawn to your skin like a moth to a flame.

As a sign of affection

The first thing a mother does for her puppy when it’s born is lick it to clear its nostrils so that the puppy can breathe, this will also stimulate the blood flow when they are born. Often, the litter will lick the puppy too which will improve their packs bond.

Both puppies and adult dogs naturally show affection by licking both people and other dogs.

How to STOP Dog Kisses – YUCK! – Dog Health Vet Advice