Why does my dog suddenly not want to be with me? A Complete Guide

Your Dog is Stressed by a Big Life Change

Dogs are just as susceptible to stress when they have to go through a big life change or a sudden change in environment. Did you recently move to a new home or is there a new individual (or even dog) that has been introduced to the dog’s territory?

Just like us, dogs can get highly overwhelmed in such moments. In these situations, you might have to just give your dog some time to adjust to the new environment. Give your dog plenty of treats and praises, and plenty of exercise to get him through the anxious phase.

The dog could be ignoring you and showing a lot more affection to other members of the household because you aren’t showing the same level of positive response as others. Do you have a tendency to ignore the dog or do you typically take the role of disciplining the dog?

Dog owners need to understand that their own mood and behavior can influence how their dog behaves to people around them. This is especially important for puppy owners. The first six months of a dog’s life is considered a key socialization period. The social interactions the puppy experiences during this time will have a heavy influence on how he behaves for the rest of his life.

Your Dog has a Health Issue

A sudden change in behavior like acting distant is typically an important-enough reason for you to take the dog to the vet. Your dog might not be behaving like his usual self because he is experiencing some internal pain.

Is your dog showing any worrying symptoms, such as acting lethargic, having difficulty moving, losing his appetite, or producing poop with a different color or different consistency? Confirm that your dog isn’t in pain by getting him checked up by the vet. If health is the issue then your dog is likely to behave in a similar way to other people in the household.

Your Dog has a Highly Social Personality

As the primary caretaker, you might feel sad when your dog shows a lot more affection to friends, family members, or even strangers! This, however, might have to just do with your dog’s social personality. In a place of comfort, a social dog might seek to interact with unfamiliar people.

One study found that in a familiar environment, animals spend more time with strangers (about 70%). In an unfamiliar environment, they prefer to spend more time with their owners. Context and location are other important factors you need to consider when you analyze your dog’s behavior.

14 Signs Your Dog Doesn’t Love You (Even if You Think They Do)