Why does my dog’s heartbeat so hard? Expert Advice

What to do if your dog’s heart is beating fast?

If you notice that your dog is having a faster heartbeat than usual, it is vital to get him to a vet as soon as possible. Hearts are very difficult to repair once damage has been done and damage can lead to death if left untreated.

How do you check a dog’s vitals?

  • Observe or place your hand over your dog’s chest to count the number of times the chest rises (inhales) and falls (exhales). Each rise/fall combination counts as one breath.
  • Count the breaths for 30 seconds and multiply by two to get the respiratory rate in breaths per minute.
  • If you have a large-chested dog breed it can be difficult to feel the pulses. As an alternative, you can place two fingers on the middle of your dog’s thigh near to where the leg joins the body. This is where the femoral artery passes through and you should be able to feel pulses here that are in time with your dog’s heart beats.

    What does it mean if my dog has a heart rate that is slower than normal?

    It is easier to check your dog’s heart rate than you probably expect. Firstly, put your hand on her chest. Count how many pulses you can feel in 15 seconds. The simply multiply this by 4 to get the number of beats per minute.

    Sinus bradycardia, also referred to as SB, is a condition that sees a dog’s heart rate dropping significantly below its usual rate and can be indicative of a serious health problem that requires medical intervention. However, in some instances SB is harmless and can even be beneficial as your dog’s heart doesn’t have to work so hard to move oxygen around the body. Some breeds of dog are more prone to developing SB, including cocker spaniels, dachshunds, pugs, and West Highland white terriers. It is also more common in younger animals unless it is caused by an underlying disease, in which case it can affect a canine of any age.

    It is also important to understand that heart rate is dynamic and can change with sleep and exercise. This is why you should always use a resting heart rate as a basis for the measurement. A resting heart rate is when your dog is relaxed and calm and has not recently done any physical exercise.

    4 Symptoms That Could Cost Your Dog Its Life

    The normal heartbeat makes a sound that corresponds to the closing of heart valves during the heart cycle. A heart murmur, caused by turbulent blood flow within the heart or large vessels that arise from it, sounds like an abnormal whooshing or swishing sound during the heart beat cycle. This can be heard with a stethoscope and, if loud enough, can be felt as a buzzing or vibration over the heart. Careful listening with a stethoscope to your dog’s heart by your family veterinarian is an important part of any physical examination.