Why does my dog’s mouth stay open? Essential Tips

There May be a Foreign Object in Their Mouth

If your dog keeps opening and closing their mouth, it could be a sign that there’s something wrong. It could be something as simple as food stuck in their teeth, or they may have a foreign object caught in their mouth.

If you suspect something is stuck in your dog’s mouth, the best thing to do is to look inside and see if you can spot the problem. If you can’t see anything, it’s probably best to take your dog to the vet so they can have a look.

In most cases, foreign objects can be easily removed, but if they’re not dealt with quickly, they can cause serious damage to your dog’s mouth or throat.

So, if your dog is persistently trying to tell you something, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and take them to the vet.

Why does my dog’s mouth stay open?

Why Keeping His Mouth Open Occurs in Dogs

If your dog is keeping his mouth open, he may be experiencing a symptom of an underlying disorder. Reasons your dog may be doing this for a prolonged period include:

Panting for Temperature Regulation

Your dog may simply be trying to cool down his body by panting with his mouth open. The air circulates through your dog’s body and helps him when he is too warm.

Trigeminal Neuritis

Also referred to as mandibular paralysis, trigeminal neuritis is paralysis of a dog’s muscles used for chewing. When inflammation in the trigeminal nerves occurs, your dog may keep his mouth open and not have the ability to chew.

Tooth Abscess

If your dog has an abscessed tooth, or any tooth pain, he may want to avoid closing his mouth. He may keep his mouth slightly open in order to avoid touching the tooth with the teeth above or below it.

Nasal Congestion

If your dog suffers from allergies or has a cold, he may have congestion in his nasal passages. Like humans, it may be difficult to breathe through the nose when conditions like this occur, so he may keep his mouth open to ease any breathing difficulties.

Your Dog Could Have a Dental Issue

If your dog keeps opening and closing their mouth, it could be a sign of a dental issue. The most common reason for this behavior is gum disease, which can cause inflammation and pain.

Other possible causes include an abscessed tooth, an infection, or even something as simple as a foreign object caught in the teeth. If your dog is displaying this behavior, take them to the vet for an evaluation.

Your vet will be able to determine the cause of the problem and recommend the best course of treatment. In many cases, dental issues can be resolved with a simple cleaning or extraction.

So if your dog’s mouth is giving you cause for concern, don’t hesitate to get them checked out by a professional.

Why does my dog’s mouth stay open?

If your dog has been repeatedly opening and closing its mouth, it could be a sign that your dog is feeling nauseated. This is also sometimes referred to as “air licking.”

While there are many different reasons why a dog may feel nauseated, some common causes include motion sickness, eating too quickly, food allergies, and stomach infections.

If you notice that your dog is engaging in this behavior, it’s important to take them to the vet to rule out any potential medical problems.

In the meantime, try to feed your dog smaller meals more slowly, and avoid giving them any table scraps or fatty foods. You can help your dog feel better in no time with a little care and attention.

Why does my dog’s mouth stay open?

Dog Mouth Emergency: What To Do At Home