Why does my rescue dog pee in the house? Here’s the Answer

My rescue dog is pooping in the house at night

Feed your dog on a schedule. Make sure they eat several hours before going to sleep and then take them outside 30-60 minutes after eating.

If your dog has trouble with bowel movements, consider adding a probiotic to his food. Exercise also helps, so take a long walk with your dog after he eats and has time for his food to settle.

The 6 main key points of potty training an adult rescue dog are:

  • Restrict freedom inside the house. With the use of baby gates, play yards, and a leash you can limit your dog’s ability to have an accident by taking the opportunity away.
  • Create a schedule. Feed your dog on a schedule so you can predict when they have to go potty. Dogs thrive on a daily schedule, especially a new rescue dog trying to adjust to his new home. A schedule makes life predictable and creates a feeling of safety. Being consistent is important at this stage of a rescue dog’s life.
  • Go outside often. Take your rescue dog outside 30-60 minutes after they eat. If you have a fenced yard, let them out but do not allow playtime until after your dog potties. It’s best to use a leash to accomplish this at first.
  • Pay attention to their water intake. While it is important to have fresh water for your dog at all times if you notice your dog drinking a lot of water, head outside shortly after.
  • Create a safe potty area. Make sure to take your dog outside to a space they are comfortable enough to potty. Your rescue dog may be insecure, afraid of the outdoors, loud noises, etc.
  • Reward your dog for pottying outside. Use healthy treats, playtime, and/or affection to let your dog know pottying outside is great.
  • Why does my rescue dog pee in the house?

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