How to help a fearful dog gain confidence
In order to connect with a skittish dog and encourage the growth of confidence, you’re going to need to be patient. You should also remember never to raise your voice or your hand, to your pet. If they are scared, scaring them further isn’t going to help your cause.
Your vet is the best place to start if you have a dog acting scared all of a sudden, or if you’re thinking of adopting a skittish dog. A trained professional will be able to share top tips for soothing your specific dog, with their specific fears.
In some cases, a course of medication might be necessary. This is often similar to human medications for depression and anxiety and can be offered either as a dose-a-day treatment or one-off. The latter is good for specific events that cause skittish behavior, such as the 4th July (fireworks), or car rides to the vet.
Behavioral training might do the trick, too. This can be used alone or in conjunction with long or short-term medication.
Behavioral training for anxious or fearful dogs usually falls into one of two categories:
Is it normal that my dog pees when they are scared?
Yes, peeing is perfectly normal for a scared dog.
In the same ways that a human can be so scared that they literally pee their pants (as the saying goes), dogs can pee when they are scared, anxious, or feeling highly uncomfortable.
According to research, other signs that a dog is feeling scared or anxious include:
What to do if your Dog is Scared and Shaking
You will need to decide if a trip to your veterinary clinic is needed. If you suspect that your dog is suffering from some medical condition, call your veterinarian and ask if they feel your dog should be seen immediately or if you should monitor the situation for a bit before bringing them into the clinic.
Should your dog need medical attention, your veterinarian will do a full assessment to determine the cause. Correctly diagnosing the cause will be paramount in determining the appropriate treatment plan for your dog. Your veterinarian will want to conduct several different tests to rule out possible causes and to confirm their initial diagnosis.
Medications and other therapies may be prescribed depending on the diagnosis. Always follow dosing instructions for any medications prescribed for your dog. Watch your dog closely for any side effects to the medications and report to your veterinarian if your dog suffers significant problems with their medications. Dogs suffering from arthritis or neurological disorders may require long-term treatment plans to manage their pain and other symptoms.
Dogs that are suffering from anxiety or maladaptive stress responses may also be given natural or prescription remedies to help them overcome their anxiety. Dog behaviorists may be able to give you training tips and other guidelines to help your dog become less anxious and more able to handle the stresses that they are exposed to.
It can be stressful to dog owners to see their dog acting scared and shaking. Determining the cause of the behavior can sometimes be frustrating and futile without seeking the advice of your veterinarian. If the behavior comes on suddenly, you should stop and assess the situation starting with the environment. Ask yourself if anything has changed in the home to cause your dog to become fearful.
If there is no apparent environmental cause for your dog to become scared and shake, then you should do a hands-on assessment of your dog, watching for any signs that your dog is in pain or ill. Be sure to seek veterinary care for your dog if you suspect that the cause of their acting scared and shaking is medically related.
Dog behaviorists and professional dog trainers can be employed to help your dog deal with their anxiety. Generally, a behaviorist or trainer will cost $50-$75 per session. Medical conditions such as pain management for arthritis can cost around $1600. Neurological disorders can generally be treated for $3000.
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