Why is my diabetic dog always hungry? Here’s What to Expect

What to feed to a hungry diabetic dog?

Following are the things that you must keep in mind before feeding your diabetic dog.

  • Try to feed your dog a diet that has more protein portions. Proteins take time to break down and give the feeling of fullness in the stomach. Also, they are a great source of energy without raising blood sugar levels.
  • Avoid feeding your dog food that has more sucrose, fructose, or glucose. Apart from blood glucose levels, sugar and carbohydrates are consumed early by the body causing the hunger to strike back.
  • Prefer to give your dog a home-cooked meal. They are gentle on the stomach and healthy to eat. For example, you can give boiled chicken and veggies to your diabetic dog.
  • Fresh food is a better option for a diabetic dog diet than dog food and kibble. (Read our article Is Fresh pet food good for diabetic dogs? ).
  • Include more fiber in the diet. This will make the digestion process easy. As diabetic dogs can end up eating more because of overwhelming hunger, so they mustn’t end up throwing everything. An upset stomach can also cause diarrhea. Read our guide on how diarrhea affects diabetic dogs.
  • Feeding hungry diabetic dogs between meals

    Sometimes, it’s ok to feed your dog between meal times but most dogs have shown disturbing glucose levels when they were fed between meals. It’s important to talk to your vet before introducing treat meals in your dog’s diet.

    If your dog is fine and the blood glucose level stays managed, there is no harm in feeding your dog a treat meal between actual meals.

    Can a diabetic dog eat between meals?

    You will give your dog the second meal with the final third of the daily ration six to eight hours later. If your dog is given insulin twice daily, it should be fed two equally-sized meals 10 to 12 hours apart, with each meal given at the time of the insulin injections (or just prior).

    How To Keep Your Diabetic Dog Healthy (Symptoms, Supplements, Natural Treatment and Diet Guide)

    So, your dog has diabetes. Take a deep breath. With good care, your companion can lead a long, healthy life.

    Like humans, when dogs have diabetes, staying trim is key. If your dog is overweight, losing some pounds can help their cells better use insulin, a hormone that keeps blood sugar levels in check. That makes it easier for their body to turn food into fuel.

    The goal for any pooch with diabetes is to keep blood sugar (or glucose) levels as close to normal as possible. This helps your dog feel good and makes it less likely theyll get diabetes-related complications, such as vision-clouding cataracts and urinary tract infections.

    Your veterinarian will determine how many calories your dog needs every day, based on their weight and activity level. Once you know that number, its important to keep a close eye on what they eat and how much.

    Researchers are still exploring what diet is best for dogs with diabetes. Most vets recommend a high-fiber, low-fat diet. Fiber slows the entrance of glucose into the bloodstream and helps your dog feel full. Low-fat foods have fewer calories. Together, the diet can help your dog eat less and lose weight.

    But make sure your pooch drinks plenty of water. Fiber takes water from the body, and that can cause constipation and other problems.

    Most dogs do fine with food you can buy at the store. But your vet may recommend prescription dog food or a homemade diet developed by a veterinary nutritionist. Your vet can tell you the best way to go about changing your dogs food.

    Even the best diet won’t help if your dog doesn’t eat it, though — and you cant give insulin to a dog on an empty stomach. It can make them very sick.

    If your dog isnt eating as much, it could be because they dont like the food. It could also mean they have another problem, or that they are having diabetes-related complications. Talk with your vet.

    Make sure your dog eats something — even if that something isn’t ideal. But steer clear of soft, semi-moist dog foods in packets, which are typically high in sugar.

    Treats between meals are OK, but not necessary; it may be best to just stick with meals and no treats. Avoid snacks that list syrup, molasses, fructose, dextrose, or maltose on the ingredients label. Homemade dehydrated meats, carrots, snap peas, and even canned pumpkin are good options.

    Balancing insulin and food is like a relay race. The body constantly processes food and insulin between meals and injections.

    Most dogs do best on a regular schedule of 2-3 meals a day. As a general rule, injections should be given every 12 hours. Talk to your vet about getting your dog on the right schedule.

    Regular exercise will also help your pooch lose weight and lower blood sugar levels. It’s best to have your dog exercise for the same length of time and at the same intensity every day. An unusually long or vigorous workout could cause blood sugar levels to drop too low.

    It can take a few months to get to “cruise control,” so try not to worry if your pup’s blood sugar levels aren’t under control quickly. Also, losing weight may lessen your dog’s need for insulin, so check their levels often.

    Caring for a dog with diabetes can be hard at first. But soon the changes will become part of your daily life. The extra care and attention youll give them may even strengthen your bond.