Why is my dog aggressive to bigger dogs? The Ultimate Guide

Why is My Dog Aggressive Towards Bigger Dogs?

The short answer is that we really can’t know, because we can’t ask your dog. But here are some likely reasons why:

  • Bigger dogs are scary, just like bigger snakes, spiders, and crocodiles are scarier. This is true for small dogs scared of medium-sized dogs, and medium-sized dogs scared of large dogs. If you’re the little guy in a situation, it’s normal to feel threatened by the big guy. And the best defense is often a good offense – so the scared little guy puts on a big display, which makes the big guy back up. And ta-da, your dog just learned to behave aggressively in order to make scary big dogs go away.
    1. (Note: this doesn’t mean that ignoring your dog’s warning signs is the answer – we’ve got to teach your dog that big dogs aren’t scary, not that behaving aggressively doesn’t work).
  • A big dog might have scared or hurt your dog. Sometimes, your dog isn’t just scared of big dogs because he’s intimidated – he’s scared because he had a bad experience! If you already know that your dog was hurt or scared by a big dog, then that explains things.
  • Stress can travel down the leash. Let’s say I was scared of German Shepherds after a scary experience with a police dog (or a Pit Bull after reading a news story, or a Labrador after one knocked me over as a kid). Later, I see a German Shepherd (or Pit Bull or Lab) on a walk with my Maltese. I tighten up on the leash, my palms start to sweat, my breathing quickens, and I pull my dog a bit closer to “stay safe.” My dog notices and gets tense too. The next day, the pattern repeats but this time my dog growls a bit because Mom is really worried! The third day, my dog growls again but this time I scold him. The next day, he sees the big dog and is REALLY worried – Mom was scared of him, and yesterday she yelled at me when he came close! Gosh, I’d better be sure to keep that big dog FAR away! And there you go, now my dog is scared of big dogs because I was scared of big dogs.
  • It’s pretty common to have a few questions if your dog is aggressive towards bigger dogs. Let’s tackle those with a quick Q&A:

    Well… maybe? What IS “small dog syndrome?” It’s certainly not an actual diagnosis, the way hypertension syndrome or major depressive disorder is.

    My personal inclination is that small dog syndrome doesn’t really exist – it’s just a name people give to the pattern of fearful behaviors commonly exhibited by anxious, undersocialized small dogs.

    These little dogs are predisposed towards being nervous of big things – aren’t you more scared of a lion than a cheetah, or a cheetah than a house cat? When you’re little, big things are scarier.

    But this problem is worse when the owners fail to help their small dogs learn that big things aren’t scary. The owners don’t expose their dogs to scary stuff and/or don’t teach their little dogs that scary stuff = treats.

    Exposure isn’t enough here (read all about that here). Your small dog needs to learn that other dogs are actually safe to be around, and that takes work!

    Can an Aggressive Dog be Cured?

    Oh, gosh. The never-ending question in my field. All behaviors are modifiable. And we can always do something to make things better. In many, if not most, cases an aggressive dog can improve enough to be “good enough.”

    But you can never really guarantee that ANY dog will never behave aggressively. We can’t even make that promise about humans!

    Treating an aggressive dog will require a combination of management, counter-conditioning, and training the dog to do something else when he feels tense.

    Punishing your dog for behaving aggressively will not help in the long run.

    That’s because aggression is generally caused by a negative emotion, and punishing your dog will only make him feel worse about other dogs. While popping his collar or smacking him on the butt might interrupt the bad behavior, it won’t stop him from doing it in the long run. Worse, it might suppress warning behaviors (like lunging and growling) so he “looks better,” but then he skips straight to biting if a dog gets too close. Yikes!

    Owners who see their dog being aggressive towards other dogs often think that their dog is trying to assert his dominance, prove himself to be alpha, or put the larger dog in his place.

    To be frank, there’s no evidence that this is the case. The studies that led to scientists thinking that wolf dominance structures were strictly hierarchical and enforced through violence have been debunked.

    And let’s be honest – dogs aren’t wolves. They don’t behave the same way at all. They’re much more similar to wolf puppies, even when they’re fully mature.

    So your dog might be a jerk to bigger dogs, but it’s not because he’s trying to assert his dominance.

    Dominance does exist in dogs – but it’s a specific relationship between two individuals in regards to a given resource. So rude behavior between two stranger dogs isn’t likely to be related to dominance.

    Signs Your Dog Is Afraid Of Bigger Dogs

    To figure out if your dog is afraid of bigger dogs, observe your dogs behavior and body language. Fear behaviors are rooted in a dogs fight-or-flight response. If your dog is on leash, they wont be able to engage in a flight response and may turn to a fight response. Signs of fear include:

  • Curling the tail between the legs
  • Barking
  • Lunging
  • Snapping
  • Yawning, particularly in a forced way
  • Licking lips in an exaggerated way
  • Moving away
  • Hiding
  • Shivering
  • Whining
  • Refusing treats or play
  • Slow walking
  • If you see any of these signs, youll want to step in to prevent a negative experience that could exacerbate your dogs fear response.

    How to stop Dog Aggression quickly And easily – In a few steps!

    Small dogs can be some of the most amazing dogs! However, sometimes people associate little dogs with certain undesirable behaviors, such as yappy barking, ankle biting, cowering when people approach, or increased aggression when approaching their space. It’s important to consider why these behaviors are happening so they can properly be addressed.

    It isn’t okay for any dog to be biting or engage in other aggressive behaviors, no matter what size they are. Similarly, we want every dog to be comfortable in their environment so that they don’t feel fearful. But, the reality of the situation is that we live in a big big world that can be really scary for little dogs. Take a look at what a small dog has to go through. If you’re able to, lay down on the ground and place your head around the same height that your small dog’s would be. The world gets a lot bigger, right? Now have people walk by and stand over you. It can be intimidating! That type of intimidating environment can be very scary for a small dog.

    Sometimes when a dog is scared, they’ll show fearful body language, such as cowering, pinned back ears, or laying flat on the floor. Other times, that fear can turn defensive and a dog can exhibit aggressive behaviors, such as growling, barking, snapping, or biting. The easiest way to eliminate these behaviors is to make sure that the dog doesn’t get to that level of fear or anxiety. Remember, the responsibility of protecting your dog lies with you. Here are a few things that you can do to help create a comfortable environment for your small dog so that he doesn’t feel fearful or aggressive.

    Most of all, it’s so important to be considerate of our small dogs. Even though their cowering might not be as big and their barks as loud, it’s still absolutely imperative to consider their environment. In order for a small dog to productively exist in their world, they need to feel comfortable. The only way to ensure that their environment is comfortable is to hire their number one advocate to do the job—and that’s you!

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