Why is my dog making clicking noises with his mouth? What to Know

What to do if your Dog is Jaw Chattering

If you notice your dog is chattering his jaw, make an appointment with your veterinarian. He may begin by doing an examination to check your dogs eyes, pupil dilation, his jaw, and his gait when walking. These are preliminary neurological observations. Your veterinarian may also ask questions about the jaw chattering, such as when your dog does it and when you first noticed the behavior.

He will then perform a complete physical examination, and may recommend blood work, urinalysis, and biochemistry profile. These tests will check for any underlying health conditions your dog may have that may be causing his jaw to chatter. He may also perform a full dental examination and check for any teeth conditions, such as an abscess. He may also recommend x-rays for your dogs mouth if he feels it is needed.

Neurological testing may also be performed to see if your dog may be having seizures or other types of neurological issues. He may also test for distemper if your dog has an unknown vaccination history. Once all of the testing is complete, your veterinarian will be able to discern between something health-related, or anxiety, excitement or cold.

Check and see if your dog chatters his teeth in the cold, or if he gets too excited or anxious. If this is the case, you may try to prevent situations from happening. However, if his jaw chattering is a sign of a more serious condition, you will need to seek proper treatment for your pet. Be sure to give him any medications on time, and observe his behaviors and monitor him. Your veterinarian can give you advice on how to prevent this issue from worsening.

Regular dental check-ups are important. The veterinarian can assess any tooth or root damage before your dog suffers from too much pain, which may cause the jaw chattering. If he receives dental treatment be sure to learn how to properly care for him at home while he recovers.

The cost of diagnosing and treating a seizure disorder in dogs may be between $$500-$2500. If your veterinarian diagnoses an abscessed tooth, the expense to fix it may be $600-$1200.

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Why does my dog make noises with his mouth?

The good news is that your dog wasn’t trying to embarrass you, but if you are looking for a 10-second, certain answer to the question of why your dog makes noises with his mouth, then you may be disappointed. Sometimes, the answer isn’t so easy.

There is more than one type of noise that dogs make with their mouths. While dogs make plenty of noises, the most commonly owner-reported mouth noises are clicking, lip-smacking, and crunching.

Crunching seems a strange sound coming from a dog’s mouth because it sounds almost like he is chewing something crunchy but with nothing in his mouth. It is essentially your dog grinding his teeth. There are several possible culprits when searching for a cause.

Your dog could feel pressured for whatever reason, at that moment, or possibly something has happened to stir an emotional response in your dog. Besides stress anxiety, dogs can also get anxiety from being separated from their owners or left alone too long and often. Dogs can acquire compulsive disorders and fears (phobias). They can even acquire PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

He could be trying to tell you he is hurting somewhere. Look for other signs of pain, such as lethargy, limping, or yelping if a particular area is touched. For example, a dog getting their second set of teeth will be in pain and probably grind his teeth.

Why is my dog licking and smacking his lips?

You can picture it no matter who you are because you’ve seen it in your dog or someone else’s — the smacking of the lips at mealtime, but what if your dog smacks his lips all the time? Is this normal? Let’s see.


When you think of teeth chattering, you might picture someone who is cold or really nervous. But what about teeth chattering in dogs? If your dog’s teeth or jaws are chattering, are they just really cold or nervous, or is there something else going on that you should have checked out?

Here’s what you need to know about the causes of dog teeth chattering and what you should do about it.