Why is my dog so hungry all of a sudden? What to Know

Roundworm – Roundworm can be transmitted by small rodents or polluted food or water. Other symptoms of roundworm include abdominal pain and diarrhea. Roundworm is treatable with medication, but it needs to be diagnosed in order to be treated.

Hypothyroidism affects about 1 in 200 dogs. It isn’t curable, but it is treatable. If your dog is experiencing symptoms, they need to go to the vet to be diagnosed and started on medications.

There are many possible explanations for an increase in hunger in your dog. Some more causes include:

Tapeworm – Usually spread by fleas, tapeworms feed on blood and other nutrients in your dog’s body. They can cause blockages, intestinal problems, and bloating. They can reproduce asexually, which means once they are in your dog’s system, they can continue to multiply inside your dog’s gut indefinitely.

Dogs tend not to handle stress very well, so any changes to the environment can cause a dog to react by overeating. If your dog’s favorite person has moved out, like a grown child headed for college, try leaving something with that person’s scent on it near your dog’s food bowl to help reassure them. If a new person has moved into the house, have them feed your dog. That should help them bond and ease your dog’s stress. If you’ve added a new dog to your family, feed the dogs separately and don’t allow them to approach each other’s bowls, even if the other dog has finished.


Polyphagia can be classified as follows.

  • Primary
    • Caused by destruction of the satiety center, for example, trauma. This is rare.
    • There will likely be additional neurological signs of a CNS disease
  • Secondary
    • More common than primary polyphagia
    • Diseases, parasites and the improper diet can result in secondary polyphagia
  • Drug Induced
    • Corticosteroids and anti seizure medicine, for example, can increase food intake

    Medical reasons for a pet’s change in appetite

    As mentioned earlier, there might be an underlying medical cause for changes in appetite in your senior pet, including internal organ dysfunction, intestinal blockage and/or endocrine disorders such as Cushing’s disease or hyperthyroidism.

    Some pets may eat less because their food begins to taste and smell less appetizing as their senses become less acute with age. Try enticing them with a new flavor of food, by mixing dry and wet food together, or by heating up their food.9

    Increased heat and other weather changes may cause your pet to skip a meal occasionally.

    Why Dogs Act Hungry All The Time (5 KEY Reasons And What To Do)

    Your dog scarfs down dinner and then begs for treats. You put as much food in the bowl as is recommended, but it isn’t enough. What’s going on?

    My Perfect Pet, Made with Fresh Whole FoodsWhile some dogs seem almost genetically predispositioned to approach every meal ravenously hungry and as though it might be their last, most of the time this is a learned behavior. Rescues may have been food deprived before being fostered or adopted, and may feel a lifelong need to beg for food and gobble it down as quickly as possible before it disappears. The most pampered, well-fed dogs may have learned that begging will result in treats, after all who doesn’t enjoy watching their pet happily wag their tail when enjoying a treat! Or perhaps you are unintentionally overfeeding at meal times. It makes your dog happy, so it must be good, right?

    Not necessarily. While we all take pleasure in watching our pets enjoy food and treats, overfeeding can literally be like loving them to death. Too many treats or too much food at meal time can lead to obesity and a host of other health problems. Feeding your dog the right amount of quality food along with health treats and snacks helps your dog keep weight down and stay healthy.

    While many dogs are simply food motivated, an increased appetite can also be a sign of several health issues. Some of the health issues that may lead to insatiable appetite, or polyphagia, include:

    Check with your vet if you dog shows noticeable changes in appetite. You’ll want to rule out or address any health issues.

    Whether your dog’s problem is learned or related to physical issues, uncontrolled eating is not the answer. Here are four tips for dealing with your dog’s insatiable appetite:

    Cutting back on treats for a hungry dog sounds counterintuitive, but if your dog has learned to expect frequent treats, she needs to unlearn that behavior. If you use treats as rewards, try substituting play, snuggles, or other positive attention lavished on your dog as you decrease the treats offered.

    If you still want to offer treats, make sure they are made with fresh whole ingredients and are very low in fat and calories. Yes, calories count in the dog’s diet just like they do in yours.