Why is my dog suddenly groaning? Essential Tips

What to do if your Dog is Groaning

If you notice your dog is groaning, and he doesn’t normally groan, make an appointment with your veterinarian. Your veterinarian will be able to get to the bottom of their groaning sounds by asking you several different questions in order to get more information about his groaning habits.

In order to rule out any health concerns, your veterinarian may want to run a few laboratory tests to get a better picture of what could be causing your dog to groan. He will take into consideration their age and past health issues before conducting any tests. He may perform blood work, urinalysis, biochemistry profile to begin, and then do any imaging he feels is necessary. If it is an older dog and he suspects he may be having joint pain, these will be effective in taking a closer look at his joints. He may also palpate the abdomen and take further tests of the abdominal area to check for any buildup of fluid that could be causing your pet discomfort.

Preventing the groaning of your dog will depend on the health issue your dog is having. Once the health issue is diagnosed by your veterinarian, he will recommend treatment options to help your dog become well again. Once the treatment options are in place, and you are consistently giving him any medication that he needs at home, his symptoms should begin to go away. If he is recovering, he should moan and groan less as his pain is decreasing.

If your dog is groaning due to a behavioral issue or because of his vocal breed-type, prevention may be quite tricky. As a dog owner, you may be simply relieved that your dog’s groaning is not due to a health concern and may be able to tolerate this sound. However, if the groaning is something you want to stop, you may do different things to help prevent it. Distracting your dog when he begins to groan may help, being sure he is always fed on a regular schedule, has a comfortable area to sleep, and gets plenty of attention from you may be ways to prevent this behavior. If your dog’s groaning is out of control and you are out of options, you may contact a behavioral therapist or a trainer to help you keep your dog’s groaning to a minimum.

The cost of treatment for groaning in dogs depends on the health condition. Costs can range from $300 for the treatment of arthritis, $500 for a behavioral therapist, and up to $1800 to treat ascites. Typically, panosteitis can cost up to $800 for treatment.

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How Does a Groan or a Moan Sound?

A groan is a usually low, deep grunting-like noise that means disapproval, suffering, or contentment. A deep, mournful, and sometimes prolonged low pitched groan signifies pain or discomfort to compare human sounds. For our four-legged friends, the sounds a dog makes when experiencing pain or feeling happy can be the same.

On the other hand, a moan is a thinner, long-winded whining-like sound that aims to utter or signify pleasure. As mentioned, dogs can have different reasons why they moan or groan. It is usually associated with how they feel physically and emotionally, and they’ll utilize these emotes to express joy or sadness. Sometimes, a dog craves attention and will express it through low-pitched moans. And since pups cannot speak for themselves, they’ll communicate by moaning.

If you have a puppy that suddenly groans when it tries to jump or move, pain is probably building up in their body. Elder dogs have more reasons to groan because of their age and because of their weakening health.

Do Some Dogs Moan & Groan More Than Others?

Some dogs are more expressive in showing affection, happiness, sadness, pain, or discomfort. These are among the most talkative dog breeds. Below is a list of what breed organizations like the American Kennel Club describe as the most talkative breeds. If your dog is any of these breeds, you know it can be normal for them to groan:

  • Siberian Husky. A husky howls a lot when it needs to convey something. It is natural for huskies to communicate with the members of their pack.
  • Miniature Schnauzer. While not much of a groaner or moaner, these cute pups in grey and pepper coat bark on anything that poses a threat.
  • Beagle. Most Beagles have a prolonged moan that the owners or other dogs can instigate. This is called baying. These prolonged howling may sound endearing as if your dog is singing.
  • Chihuahua. This breed is typically extremely noisy — they bark a lot. Not training your Chihuahua can either turn it too aggressive or too shy.
  • Yorkshire Terrier. This cuddly furball is fueled with courage! This breed infamously yaps when provoked, as any brave pup does.
  • Basset Hound. This dog with short legs and medium build with extra-long droopy ears houses a wide vocal range that seems to stretch every time they convey any message. Be it for treats or attention; the majestic Basset has a long and endearing howl.
  • Dachshund. This hunting breed is always on guard, ready to respond to any suspicious activity. The Dachshund is prone to separation anxiety, barking a lot when left alone.
  • German Shepherd. This energetic breed can bark at over 100 decibels! Famously expressive, the Shepherd vocalizes through howling, whining, and moaning.
  • While it is normal for these talkative dogs to be noisy, good owners should be aware of the context these actions happen. Ignoring these cues can lead to all kinds of issues.

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