Why should a dog be KC registered? The Ultimate Guide

A Guide to Genetic Health Issues for Dog Breeds

Kennel Club(KC) registration means that the breeder completes a KC registration form and receives from the KC an Owner Registration Certificate for a puppy. Each puppy registered costs a breeder £16.

Each puppy may also have a Pedigree Certificate which records the name of the breed, colour, date of birth, sex, unique pedigree name (this includes the breeding kennel name followed by the dog’s official name), KC registration number, name and address and signature of the breeder. Five generations of ancestors are recorded by pedigree name and whether a dog has achieved championship status, (for example, Ch.Bradwot Ronaldo Googy) The Kennel Club charges £10 for a 5 generation pedigree certificate or £23 for an ‘enhanced’ pedigree certificate. When a puppy is sold and transferred to a new owner, in order for it to be re-registered in the new owner’s name an additional fee of £16 is charged.

An Owner Registration Certificate will also record a DNA profile number (if any); microchip number; and the results of DNA tests, or Health screening tests of the parents.

Note that failure to carry out DNA tests or Health screening does not prevent a breeder from registering puppies with the Kennel Club.

The information provided to the Kennel Club by a breeder is taken on trust and although the majority of breeders will be honest, some are not.

Regarding genetic health, there is no guarantee that KC registered puppies will be any healthier than those not registered. In fact the KC have a disclaimer to this effect on its website.

The main advantage of KC registration is identity and traceability of a puppy’s ancestors and the breeder’s details.

The KC has a Code of Ethics for breeders, which includes item 6: Will agree not to breed from a dog or bitch which could be in any way harmful to the dog or to the breed.

Click here to view the KC’s General Code of Ethics.

It should be noted, however, that the Code of Ethics in practice is not binding on breeders.

The Kennel Club maintains three dog registers.

  • Breed Register: For pedigree breeds that are currently recognised by the KC (there are 218 of these) and where both parents are of the same breed and both are KC registered. Registered dogs may take part in KC licensed shows and may be used to breed future KC registered puppies.
  • Activity Register: For any dog, whether purebreed or crossbreed. Registered dogs may compete in KC licensed Agility, Flyball, Heelwork to music, Obedience and Working trials. It costs £15 per dog to register.
  • Companion Dog Register: For any dog, whether purebreed or crossbreed. Members join the Companion Dog Club and can participate at Companion Dog Shows. Membership costs £15.
  • Clubs Offering:

    Register your purebred dog with the AKC®. It’s fast and easy.

    Permanently record your name and your dog’s place in breed history. Become part of the nationwide AKC voice championing canine health research, search-and-rescue teams, acceptable care and conditions for dog kennels, and responsible dog ownership.

    When you register your purebred dog with the AKC, you receive:

  • A frameable AKC Registration Certificate and your dog’s name recorded in the AKC Registry.
  • Optional registration packages that include an AKC collar tag with 24/7 lifetime recovery services, a three-generation AKC pedigree, a one-year subscription to AKC Family Dog magazine, and a dog care and training video.
  • 30 days of pet insurance coverage with AKC Pet Insurance*, for newly registered puppies. Details about this special benefit will be sent to you shortly after registration.
  • A certificate for a complimentary first veterinary office visit. Submit your e-mail address when registering your new puppy and the AKC will e-mail you a certificate for a complimentary first veterinary office visit along with a list of participating veterinarians.
  • Eligibility to participate in diverse and exciting AKC events, including agility, obedience, tracking, field trials, dog shows, junior showmanship, and many others!
  • Does it matter if your dog is not KC registered?

    Does it matter if a puppy is not KC registered? Being Kennel Club registered does not mean that a dog comes from a responsible breeder; neither will it guarantee that you are buying a healthy, happy puppy. … Whatever type of puppy you’re buying, it’s important to be puppy smart.

    Why choose a Kennel Club registered dog?