Why will my puppy pee outside but not poop? Here’s the Answer

Keep Your Puppy in the Crate

The crate is a dog’s safe haven, at least for crate-trained dogs. Since your puppy is inherently civilized, he won’t make his mess where he sleeps.

So, the crate is where you can keep your puppy when you can’t monitor him inside the house. However, the key here is to ensure the crate is the right size.

The crate should have just enough space for your puppy to sit, lay, stand, and turn around. If it is too spacious, your puppy might do his business there.

Now that there’s no way your puppy can escape your supervision, your task is to catch him red-handed.

The moment you notice your puppy is squatting to do his business, give a stern “go” or “no.” Then, immediately take him outside and wait for him to poop.

If you stumbled upon your puppy’s mess at home without catching him on the spot, just do the cleaning and ignore it.

Your puppy won’t understand if you yell at him or point at his mess.

Even worse, your puppy might try to hide from you the next time he poops. That’s because he may think you don’t want him to poop at all.

How do I get my 3 month old puppy to stop peeing in the house?

Try these steps to ensure your pup goes to the toilet outside.

  • Remember that your puppy doesn’t have full bladder control yet. …
  • Put them on a potty schedule. …
  • Deodorize the house. …
  • Forget about puppy pee pads – they only serve to teach your puppy that peeing inside is OK. …
  • Control them while outside.
  • Reward Them for Peeing and Pooping Outside

    After they finish going outside, reward your dog with a treat or affection. This will help reinforce the idea that obeying you when it comes time to go potty is rewarding. You can also give them a verbal cue such as “good dog” to let them know that they did the right thing.

    A good way to help your dog get into the habit of peeing and pooping outdoors is to take them on regular walks. This will help their muscles stay loose and make it more likely that they’ll want to pee or poop while you’re out. If your dog is used to going for walks, it’s likely that it won’t have any trouble doing this when the weather is nice enough outside.

    If you adopt an older rescue dog who has been known to hold their bladder and bowels in defiance, it’s worth socializing them early on in the hopes of breaking this habit. This can involve taking your dog to crowded areas, playing with other dogs, and even inviting friends over for dinner so they get used to being around people while they go potty.

    Stop Accidents Indoors With THIS Puppy Potty Training Plan