Your Why is my dog throwing up mucus? Tips and Tricks

Dogs whose intestinal tracts are chronically irritated may show a variety of signs that they’re not feeling well, vomiting among them–and the vomit could include mucus. A dog with IBD might also experience diarrhea or a reduced appetite. If you think your dog might have IBD, talk to your veterinarian about getting a diagnosis and treatment. Depending on your dog’s individual situation, the vet might recommend a modified diet, drugs, supplements, or a combination thereof.

Dogs may cough up white, foamy mucus if they have kennel cough–and it might seem like they’ve vomited the substance. This can also occur with other respiratory issues. Kennel cough is usually mild and often resolves on its own, but in rare cases it can lead to serious complications. Your dog can catch it anywhere they interact with other pups. If your dog is coughing and vomiting white, foamy mucus, you should take them to see a vet. The vet will determine if your pup has kennel cough, and will provide you with some instructions on how to help your pooch recover. Kennel cough is most commonly caused by bordetella, for which a vaccine is available. Talk to your veterinarian about an appropriate vaccination schedule for your pup.

All dogs vomit occasionally, so if your dog only does so once in a while it may not be a major cause for concern. But you should pay attention to your dog’s health—and, if your dog vomits, it’s a good idea to examine what comes out. For a more comprehensive look at conditions that could cause your dog to vomit, check out our guide. And if your dog vomits repeatedly or you have any reason to suspect they’re sick, contact a vet as soon as you can. In the meantime, here is some information about why there might be mucus in your dog’s vomit, and what you should do about it.

Among other problems, parasites may cause a dog to vomit. A dog infected with a parasite may also show other signs like diarrhea (which may also contain blood or mucus), a reduced appetite, and scooting. If you suspect that your dog has a parasite, get them to the vet as soon as you can for testing and, if necessary, medication. Parasites in dogs are usually quite treatable, but you should never ignore them.

Mucus serves an important role in your dog’s digestive system, lubricating their colon and making it easier for them to poop. It’s slimy-looking, and may appear clear, cloudy, yellow, or white. If you see a small amount of mucus in your dog’s vomit, it’s not necessarily something to worry about–but you should be on the lookout and tell your vet what you’ve seen. If you observe a lot of mucus in your dog’s vomit, if it appears repeatedly, or if your dog is regularly vomiting at all, that calls for a prompt visit to a veterinarian. Vomiting more than once or twice could indicate a serious illness, and if your dog keeps vomiting they are likely at risk of becoming dehydrated without treatment.

What to Do If Your Dog is Vomiting Clear Liquid

If your dog vomits clear just one time for no apparent reason, there is no need for alarm. Watch your dog for lethargy, diarrhea, loss of appetite, weakness, and other signs of illness. Look around your home for evidence of toxin exposure or foreign body ingestion.

If your dog seems otherwise normal, keep watching for more vomiting. If your dog vomits again, skip the next meal and continue to observe. Offer the next scheduled meal after skipping one and continue to watch for vomiting and other signs of illness. Contact your veterinarian for advice if your dog vomits again.

Contact your veterinarian if daily vomiting continues for more than a day or if your dog vomits more than two times within a 24-hour period. You should also contact your vet if other signs of illness appear.

Why Is My Dog Vomiting White Foam?

Pale vomit that looks like foam or bubbly saliva (as opposed to chunkier dog vomit) occurs because of excess air or gas in the stomach. Your dog is most likely throwing up white liquid because there’s not much else in his stomach to purge. The white foam is a mix of saliva and beaten gastric juices. The mucus lining his stomach is irritated, becoming frothy, and that’s what you’re seeing come up onto your carpet or floor.

The most common reason for a dog to throw up white foam is GI distress. Foamy vomit may occur if a pooch has excess gas in his stomach. If your dog is experiencing indigestion and there’s nothing left in his stomach to expel, he may start throwing up this pale, frothy liquid or foam.

Causes of GI distress that could lead to vomiting white foam include:

  • Eating grass or another similar stomach irritant.
  • Ingesting a toxin.
  • Heat stroke.
  • Bacterial infection.
  • Eating sugary, fatty, or spicy human food.
  • It’s possible that the presence of air in your dog’s vomit could indicate a more serious issue. Other less common causes of white foam in your dog’s throw up include:

  • Kennel cough: Also known as canine infectious tracheobronchitis, this is a highly contagious respiratory disease. Vomiting will likely be accompanied by a strong cough and sneezing or a runny nose.
  • Tracheal collapse: This condition, which affects toy breeds primarily, occurs when the tracheal rings that make up a dog’s windpipe being to collapse. If this is the case, your dog will develop a honking cough as well.
  • Bloat: Also known as gastric dilation, bloat occurs when the stomach fills with air. If bloat occurs, your dog’s abdomen will appear distended.
  • Fungal infection: Contact with environment yeast, which is often found in bird or bat droppings, can cause this sort of vomiting, as well as diarrhea, shaking, and lack of appetite.
  • Acid reflux: Just like humans, dogs can experience acid reflux when gastrointestinal fluid flows into the esophagus.
  • Pancreatitis: Damage to the pancreas (or pancreatitis) occurs when digestive enzymes inflame the pancreas
  • Kidney problem: When your dog’s kidneys aren’t functioning properly, he may exhibit extreme changes in thirst level, pale gums, and frothy vomit.
  • What are the reasons why your dog vomiting white foam?

    Have you been in a situation where your dog has thrown up clear mucus and you have no idea what to do? There are a few different reasons why your dog is doing this and it could be a sign of something more serious. It’s important to know what to do and what caused this issue so that you can treat it before it becomes an even bigger problem.