Will a shock collar stop a dog from barking? The Ultimate Guide

Why is My Dog Barking?

Before you begin to address your dog’s barking problem, you might want to consider why your dog has the problem to begin with. There are a number of reasons that dogs develop excessive barking issues.

  • Territorial barking is often displayed when a person, animal or vehicle enters an area that your dog views as his territory.
  • Fearful barking occurs when your dog feels threatened or is startled.
  • Since dogs are pack animals, when they are left alone for extended periods of time without stimulation, some dogs develop a habit of barking out of boredom.
  • Many dogs bark excessively when they are playing with other animals or their humans.
  • Some dogs bark to let their owners know what they want or need. While this can be a good thing if your dog continues to bark repeatedly until he gets what he wants it can become extremely frustrating.
  • There are some medical problems that can cause a dog to continuously bark. Has your dog checked out at your local veterinarian’s office if you think there might be an underlying medical issue that is causing the behavior?
  • Dogs get lonely or anxious or just want to get our attention. Sometimes, giving your lonely dog a toy is enough to keep the dog from barking because it offers a healthy distraction.

    If your dog is always barking at squirrels in the front yard, keeping it in the back yard may be a good way to prevent barking.

    The Best Dog Training Collar and System

    Ty watched at least five different people scream at me on that hike and then told me to get a shock collar. He had to invest in one a few years ago after wildlife officers almost shot his Karelian bear dog when Sansho chased a baby bighorn sheep up a cliff and was closing in for a kill. I told Ty I was afraid of ruining Teddy’s sweet demeanor with harsh correction techniques, but he was insistent that the outright need to use the collar was very infrequent, because it delivered training results almost immediately. He bent my ear about it the entire way home, so I bought a $250 Garmin Sport Pro training system.

    The Sport Pro includes a collar-mounted training device with automatic bark-correction capability and a handheld controller with a 3/4-mile range. In automatic mode, the collar detects barking and will initially warn the dog with a vibration before starting at the lowest shock level, then progressing upward if the barking continues or intensifies. The handheld controller allows you to apply that correction manually, giving you both vibration and beep cues, as well as ten selectable levels of shock to choose from. It can control up to three collars, and the batteries in both the collar and handheld last up to 60 hours.

    Timing is important, meaning you’ll want to reward behavior right after it occurs, and keeping your verbiage concise will also serve to get the message across a lot better than a long speech might. Consistency is also key, and you’ll want to make sure—especially at first—that every household member uses the same kind of encouragement (treats and upbeat tones) to let her know she’s done well. Using the Wagz Freedom Collar and continuous reinforcement work in partnership to serve as your humane training plan.

    Though training is required to teach your dog how to react when he receives physical or audible corrections, the use of a shock-free collar will ensure that he understands how to contribute to household and neighborhood harmony. Individual animals vary, especially when it comes to temperament and pain threshold, and a mild shock for one dog could feel severe to another. Teaching and training your dog to respond to the corrections issued by the Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar is the caring alternative to inflicting pain. Wagz is proud to be the sole containment and training collar that offers only humane corrections. As you begin to witness Roscoe changing his approach, you will be too.

    Bark training is just like any other type of dog training. Verbal commands (wait, come, heal, sit, stay) are associated with positive feedback cues, like dog treats, to show your dog that a behavior is “good.” But to deter undesirable behaviors, you must associate commands (leave it, stop, etc.) with feedback cues that dogs will understand.

    One thing’s for sure—this is not your granddad’s dog. Gone are the rolled up newspapers and spankings, but you may have encountered shock collars as a more “evolved” replacement. Studies have shown, however, that training using negative feedback methods can damage the trust between you and your dog. The use of shock collars can cause dogs physical pain, injury such as burns or cardiac arrest, and emotional distress like anxiety. Rather than shocking your pet, you’ll find that humane corrections—as they are for any kind of training—are the most mutually rewarding way to redirect your dog and keep barking to a minimum.

    To correct nuisance barking, for example, you can use a button in the Wagz App to easily issue a manual correction to your dog’s Freedom Collar to associate with a verbal cue that your dog already may know (leave it, stop, hush). With enough training, your dog will associate the verbal cue with the collar feedback and will eventually get the same “message” from the collar cues alone and may not require the verbal feedback at all to exhibit optimal behavior.

    Stop Barking Using E collar & Bark Collar

    There are some products on the market that are aimed at preventing dogs from barking such as sound collars (collars that emit a high-pitched sound when the dog barks), electronic collars (collars that deliver an electric shock to the dog when it barks) and citronella collars (collars that spray the dog’s face with citronella scent when it barks). RSPCA Australia is opposed to the use of these devices.

    RSPCA Australia is opposed to the use of any electronically activated or other devices which deliver electric shocks, such as anti-barking collars and invisible boundaries. Such devices are inhumane as they inflict pain, involve punishment and can be used to abuse animals. RSPCA Australia is also opposed to the use of collars that deliver aversive stimuli such as sound or scent, including citronella collars and high-pitched sound-emitting devices.

    The treatment of nuisance behaviours such as excessive barking should begin by determining the root cause of the problem and then attempting to address the underlying cause humanely.

    Talk to your veterinarian, they can provide advice and may refer you to a reputable animal behaviourist (who uses reward-based training methods) to assess the behaviour and provide advice on how best to humanely manage and address it.