Will fertilizer harm dogs? Surprising Answer

Is Lawn Fertilizer Safe For Puppies?

Most commercial lawn fertilizers are toxic to puppies. Even if your puppy is not technically allergic to them, make sure your pup is not exposed to them. Though most lawn fertilizers state they are safe once they are dry, puppies may still be more susceptible to fertilizer poisoning than adult dogs due to their not fully developed immune system. Puppies are also more likely to eat or lick any on the grass, so be extra cautious in not exposing your puppy to fertilizers.

Diagnosis of Fertilizers Poisoning in Dogs

If you suspect that your pet has come in contact with fertilizer, bring them to the veterinarian to determine the level of toxicosis. In the case of a basic fertilizer exposure, the symptoms might be mostly gastrointestinal and may resolve within a day or two. It is always best to have your pet checked at the clinic and be sure to bring along the container or product leaflet so the veterinarian can verify the ingredients of the product.

If the fertilizer contains herbicides, fungicides, or pesticides the situation may become more urgent because the toxic effects of fertilizer containing these additives can be much more severe. The veterinarian will base the diagnosis on clinical signs (vomiting, dermal ulcers) and may want to do additional urinalysis and blood testing to check toxicity levels or to look for signs of secondary illness like pancreatitis, depending on the type of fertilizer. For example:

  • Rose fertilizer can contain disulfoton which can be fatal to canines
  • Blood meal can have toxic levels of iron
  • Bone meal can cause cement-like obstructions in the intestines
  • Fertilizers containing pesticides made with organophosphates can lead to CNS symptoms, seizures, and death
  • Is Simplify Lawn Fertilizer Safe For Dogs?

    People and pets may return to the treated area after the dust has settled.

    Pet Safe Lawn Product Application