Will my cat get jealous of a new puppy? Surprising Answer

Introducing a new puppy

The way you introduce a new puppy in the house can reduce your cat’s jealousy. A slow introduction allows both the puppy and the cat to get used to one another. To do this, place the puppy in a room with the door closed. Give something that smells like the puppy to the cat, and something that smells like the cat to the puppy. This helps them get used to each other’s scents.

After a day or two, switch the cat and the puppy so they can sniff around each other’s areas. Once they seem to accept each other’s scents, replace the door with a baby gate. This way, they can see each other but not directly interact.

If either one of them acts aggressively towards the other, remove them from the sight of the other. If the puppy is calm, praise the puppy for good behavior.

Once they accept the sight of one another, start allowing them to be in the same room together. Supervise the initial interactions and intervene if necessary. You can also provide a high perch for your cat to help them feel safe.

Signs your cat is jealous

Even if you introduce a puppy slowly, a cat still might exhibit signs of jealousy. Keep a careful eye on your kitty in the weeks after introducing a puppy. The most obvious signs of jealousy is if your cat is acting aggressively towards the puppy, even if the puppy isn’t interacting with the cat. They might hiss, bite, or scratch.

Your cat might destroy furniture, knock items off of tables, or claw your curtains. If you pay attention to the puppy, your cat might try to get your attention by getting on your lap or standing in front of the puppy. An extremely jealous cat might even start urinating outside of the litter box. Even if the box is completely clean, your kitty might tinkle beside it or spray the wall.

There are several reasons why your cat might be acting out like this. They might not appreciate the change in routine or they might feel like they’re not getting enough attention. Some cats also dislike having their personal space invaded by a new animal and acting destructively allows them to show their displeasure.

Jealous behaviour in a dog or cat facing change

Dogs and cats will often begin displaying jealous behaviour after something has changed. For example, when a new housemate has arrived; such as a partner, baby or another pet. This change will greatly affect you which means it will also affect your relationship with your dog or cat. They may have gotten used to receiving all the attention, and now they are suddenly expected to share it with someone else. It should come as no surprise that your dog or cat will notice you aren’t spending as much time with it as you used to, which will affect its behaviour.

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Begging eyes, demanding attention, following you around, barking or mewing a lot, jumping up against you or even peeing in the house. Are these expressions of a jealous dog or cat? Or do we tend to wrongfully ascribe human characteristics to our pets? Below the answer to the question whether a dog or cat is capable of jealousy.