Will vinegar stop dog peeing in same spot? A Comprehensive Guide

Why Do Dogs Hate The Smell of Vinegar?

One of the dogs’ most extraordinary abilities, their incredible sense of smell, allows them to detect vinegar swiftly.

However, that same formidable sense also plays to your advantage. Something that smells even a little to us is overwhelming your dog’s senses with everything it’s got.

The answer has to do with the way vinegar is made. Vinegar is produced through a process of fermentation, in which bacteria convert carbohydrates into acetic acid.

This acetic acid is what gives vinegar its distinctive sour smell. Dogs have an acute sense of smell, and they can detect this acetic acid at low concentrations. In fact, studies have shown that dogs can detect acetic acid at concentrations as low as 0.1%.

So imagine that you just doused an area with vinegar. Your dog is probably not going to smell anything else for a while!

Be sure to keep the smell present. Keep treating the area in your home, and try to bear with the constant smell of vinegar.

If it rains in your backyard, you can immediately re-spray the area after the rain to prevent it from being diluted or washed out.

Will vinegar stop dog peeing in same spot?

The Top 5 Smells Dogs Hate to Pee On

The citrus smell is arguably the best dog repellent there is. You do not have to do a lot. Simply peel an orange or a lemon next to your dog and you will observe it leaving the spot immediately. While most dogs are repelled by the citrus smell, not all are. Therefore, you want to check whether your dog falls in the majority category. You can also use a citrus spray to stop your dog from peeing in certain areas such as your house or garden.

Give Your Dog Frequent Potty Breaks

One reason that puppies and dogs pee inside on area rugs and carpet is that they are not being allowed frequent enough potty breaks. Even house-trained dogs will pee inside on area rugs if they are locked inside too long. To avoid indoor urination becoming a prevalent thing in your house, make sure that you are giving your dog frequent potty breaks.

You are certainly not the first pet owner to experience having a dog pee on brand new carpet and rugs, and unfortunately, you also won’t be the last. Commercial cleaning solutions are an easy and effective way to eliminate urine odors on your throw rug while also discouraging future accidents in that spot. Commercial carpet cleaning solutions contain ingredients like lemongrass or cinnamon — which discourage your dog or puppy from peeing on the area rug again.

How to Stop Your Dog From Peeing Indoors

Yes, because dogs don’t like the smell of acetic acid, the smell of vinegar can be a deterrent. If your dog pees on the carpeting, you can mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spray it on it.