Your Can a dog die from shock collar? Get Your Pet Thinking

Can a Shock Collar Kill a Dog?

Some trainers have called the shock collars as simply torture devices, but no death cases have been reported after their use. There have been very exceptional cases but all those dogs were abandoned, hence is no proof whether the dogs died from shock collars or because they were not taken good care of.

Though electric shock collars don’t kill dogs, they can cause both physical and mental harm. Dogs are prone to the following conditions if the shock collars are not used the right way.

How Does a Shock Collar Work?

Shock collars (also called E collars) work by giving an electric shock through metal contact points. Dog owners have the transmitter in their hands while the collar is on the dog’s neck. They just need to press the command and give the signal to prevent unwanted behavior in dogs. The best part of using these collars is that the dog will never know who is giving him shocks, so there will be no harm to the dog-owner bonding.

The thing that most users need to understand is that it is not a painful shock. It is just a mild tickling sensation that is used to get the dog’s attention. The actual shock is the static shock that just stimulates the muscles and sends some signals to the brain indicating that something is going wrong.

If used rightly while implying positive reinforcement, shock collars can turn out to be the best training collars ever.

It can lead to aggressive behavior:

Dog shock collars can cause anxiety, among other psychological problems, which can lead to the dog being aggressive towards its owners, people, and other pets. The aggression can cause the dog to attack others; this shock collar side effect can be worse than the bad behavior being addressed.

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As much as we love our dogs, some behaviors are exhibited that we dont like, actions that an owner would want to stop, such as; persistent barking or leaving your yard unsupervised. Using a shock collar is one method, known for its efficacy for curbing such behavior.

It is often considered the least humane approach of training; a question commonly asked and argued is: Are shock collars bad for dogs? We would discuss how shock collars work, their merits, side effects, and if its an option to choose. It is imperative to know what is good or bad for you and your canine companion.