Do You Want to Teach your Dog to Track?
You and your pooch can have fun learning to track. Dogs think it’s a game, so treat it as such. It’s not difficult to teach your dog to track by scent. It comes naturally to them. There are several steps you can take which include:
Before you start, make sure your dog has mastered “sit” and “stay.” You might be tempted to push ahead but get the basics first. Smelling is natural for a dog, so tracking won’t be difficult.
OK, you don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn, but you do want to do this in the early morning.
You should choose a grassy area.
And the reason you want to be there early is, so few people have had a chance to walk on the grass. The magic hour is about 6 a.m.
With a hotdog or other type of food, periodically smash an inch-long piece into the soil with your shoe as you walk away from your sitting dog. You want to make sure you really push the hotdog into the grass. A grassy smell should be released.
Then walk away from your dog.
The hotdog will be on the bottom of your shoe. Drop additional pieces of the hotdog as you walk away from your pooch. Drop about every eight to ten feet for twenty feet. Lay your dog’s toy or another play item on the last of the hotdogs you drop.
You want your pooch to find something at the end of the rainbow. Then drop another little piece of hotdog on the toy.
Release your dog and encourage them to find the smell. Say the words “find it.”
When he starts to follow the trail give them praise.
Your dog should know what to do. Let him figure it out. Don’t lead him.
Your dog will be tracking using a combination of the hotdog’s scents, the crushed grass scent, and your scent.
Once your dog has succeeded, try to lengthen the track. But keep the training sessions short. Make it a fun thing to do.
How Far Away Can a Dog Pick up a Scent?
Depending on the weather, a trained dog can detect a scent between fifty and five hundred yards away. However, if the weather is severely bad, a hundred yards might be pushing it.
A dog can probably smell a person forty yards away, standing upwind on a windy day. But under the right conditions, their nose can pick up something even further away. So how far away can a dog pick up the scent? One experiment showed a mile away.
How Far Can a Dog Smell?
The answer to this question depends on the dog and the weather conditions. In perfect conditions, the average dog is reported to smell things as far as 20 km (12.4 miles) away.
Large dogs have larger olfactory bulbs and a stronger sense of smell than small dogs. Dog breeds that are bred to track and hunt, like German Shepherds or Beagles, also have a better-developed sense of smell than most other breeds.
Approximately 40% of a dog’s brain is devoted to smell. Humans have about 6 million olfactory receptors. Most dogs have about 100 million. Scent hounds have up to 300 million. The following list shows dog breeds with the best sense of smell:
How do dogs “see” with their noses? – Alexandra Horowitz
It is well known that dogs can be great at tracking down a scent. Their nose is their biggest weapon and they constantly use it. It seems like a dog can sniff around forever, but how long can a dog follow a scent.
Dogs can follow a scent weeks after it has been laid. If the initial scent was strong enough and the breed of dog was a natural sniffer that had been well trained they would be able to follow the scent for hundreds of hours.
The length of time in which a dog can follow a scent is dependent on many factors. There are various components that make a smell strong enough to follow and different breeds of dog have better smell receptors. We explore the understanding of your dog’s nose and how long a dog can follow a scent for.