Your How much does a dog trainer make per dog? A Comprehensive Guide

How experience affects your potential income as a dog trainer

We asked our respondents to tell us the number of years they have been involved in training dogs. We wondered if there was any correlation between their experience level and their income.

Although the data does indicate that those in our survey with over two decades of experience in the industry have the highest incomes, this perhaps is not too surprising. In many lines of work, as you accumulate experience, you become better at your work – and are therefore able to command a higher price for your services or negotiate a better salary.

The responses we received also show that those entering the industry have the opportunity to make a reasonable living almost immediately in the field of dog training. Even those with two or fewer years of experience are able to earn in excess of $40,000, with the obvious potential for this to increase as they continue in the industry.

What is the average dog trainer salary?

We asked the respondents in our survey about their annual income from training dogs. As you might expect, we received a range of responses to this question.

Here is the breakdown of salaries for full-time dog trainers:

So, what did the data tell us about average dog trainer salaries in the United States?

  • The average salary for a full-time dog trainer in our survey was $61,387.
  • The median income for a full-time dog trainer in our survey was $45,000.
  • Including part-time dog trainers, the average hourly rate was $51.09/hr.
  • Next, we looked at the impact of other factors on income for dog trainers. Is experience and education as important in the field of dog training as it is in other careers?

    What’s the best way to set up a consultation or an appointment with a dog trainer during the COVID-19 pandemic?

    Utilize as many digital means as necessary when setting up appointments or consultations with dog trainers near you during the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, the best way to begin is by conducting a search for dog trainers online. Compare services side by side, and ask each dog trainer you contact if it’s possible to schedule a consultation or appointment completely virtually. During this time, you should also discuss strategies for completing training and payments through digital means.

    How YOU Can Make $100,000 a Year Working With Dogs!

    Although many animal care and service workers require little more than a high school diploma, the same can’t be said for dog trainers – or almost any other animal trainer, for that matter. Most employers ask their canine trainers to hold some sort of certification. Community colleges, vocational schools and private training academies all provide education in training animals. If you’re hoping to become a dog trainer one day, it’s best you get a little education under your belt to improve job prospects and earnings.

    In 2019, animal trainers averaged $33,945. Because certain industries – namely motion pictures – pay higher salaries for their trainers, median wage is often used to predict earning potential. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, trainers earned $36,240 a year or less. Both figures, however, fail to differentiate one type of trainer from the next. A dog trainer is paid a much different scale than a horse trainer, for example.

    While dog trainers can earn as little as $10 an hour up to as much as $28.42 an hour, some trainers earn upward of $150 an hour. This is especially the case for those with a great deal of experience and in certain areas of the country. How much you earn also depends on which type of industry youre in, as those who work for the government earn more than those who train dogs for spectator sports.

    As with any job, location affects salaries, and a dog trainer is no exception. The BLS found that dog trainers earn the most in Kentucky, where salaries average $56,710 a year. Those in Iowa also fare better than most, earning an average of $54,230. The same, however, can’t be said for dog trainers in New York, where salaries average $42,150. Salaries in California are also relatively low, with dog trainers earning just over $43,030 a year.

    In addition to an hourly wage, it isn’t uncommon for dog trainers to earn bonuses or commissions for their work, increasing their income for the year. Of course, this all depends on the employer.

    In addition to this, a report by the American Pet Products Association says that 67 percent of U.S. households own a pet. This number increased 56 percent since 1988, which means that the need for animals trainers is always in demand.