Your How much Zyrtec can I give my 65 lb dog? Find Out Here

Can dogs have Zyrtec and Benadryl?

Both cetirizine (Zyrtec) and loratadine (Claritin) are considered safe for dogs in the right dosage. However, they are also frequently combined with other ingredients like decongestants, which can hurt your dog. Always consult with a vet before giving your dog any new medication.

Zyrtec Side Effects To Watch Out For

One of the reasons Zyrtec is so popular for use in dogs is due to the minimal side effects that it causes.

When dosed correctly, the side effects of Zyrtec are virtually nonexistent.

While a small number of small breed dogs have experienced some drowsiness, this is still quite rare.

The likelihood of Zyrtec side effects increase when dogs receive too large of a dose, or when given to dogs that are warned against taking the medication.

As we mentioned above, there are a few categories of canine friends that should avoid the use of Zyrtec.

Some possible side effects of Zyrtec overdose include hypersalivation, vomiting, hyperactivity, and drowsiness.

If your pup ever gets their paws on a large amount of Zyrtec, we highly suggest contacting your veterinarian for further care.

Zyrtec For Insect Bites In Dogs

Zyrtec can help to limit an allergic response due to insect bites.

Similar to you and I, things like ant bites and mosquito bites can cause an allergic response that leads to skin irritation.

While Zyrtec is not an adequate treatment for severe allergic reactions, it can help to resolve localized skin itching around the bite.

Zyrtec works by blocking the naturally occurring histamine when a dog has a reaction, meaning Zyrtec can help to treat hives in some cases.

Hives often form as a response to an allergen exposure, ranging from vaccine reactions to food allergies.

While hives should always be addressed by a veterinarian, some will recommend the use of Zyrtec if your pup is displaying signs of a minor reaction.

Can I Give My Dog Zyrtec and Benadryl? | DogVela

Using Zyrtec for dog allergies is a very safe solution to your dog’s constant itching and scratching. Zyrtec uses the active ingredient cetirizine, which works by reducing the amount of histamine in the body. It has a great track record in helping dogs with allergies, is safe for pregnant dogs, and has very few side effects.