Your Why is my dog’s paw swollen? What to Know

Common Causes of Dog’s Swollen Paw

Listed below are the common causes of swelling in dog’s paws:

Most swelling of canine paw pads comes from an insect bite or sting. If your dog steps on a biting or stinging insect, that insect will likely respond aggressively. Even if the bite or sting does not come from a venomous insect, it may still cause some swelling and aggravation for a few days.

If the swelling remains localized to the paw pad only and you can see a bite or sting, you may be able to wait and see how it goes. However, if the swelling begins to travel up the leg, or if your dog has swelling of the face or neck, go to the emergency vet.

Sometimes these stings may cause an allergic reaction, or intense pain, if you notice limping for an extended period of time, redness on your pet’s body, hives or excessive chewing/scratching, it is wise to have your pet checked sooner rather than later.

A cut or laceration on the paw pad may cause swelling, pain, and bleeding. Check your dog’s paw pad and toes carefully for signs of any type of injury or damage. If you do spot a cut or laceration, check how deep it is.

If the cut is surface-level only, you can probably take care of your pet at home. Keep the area clean and encourage your dog to stay off of his/her paw for a few days. If the cut looks deep, however, go to the vet for more information. Never wrap the paw or use any sort of bandaging material as this can decrease blood flow and cause major complications. If the bleeding is not stopping, apply pressure and go to the emergency room.

Dogs often get small objects trapped between their toes, or between the toes and paw pad. When this happens, the object can irritate the skin and cause swelling of the area. Your dog may limp or be unwilling to put weight on her paw because of this problem, too.

Check your dog’s foot and toes carefully. If you see the object and can safely remove it, do so. If you cannot remove the object, take your pet to the vet to have it removed by a professional. Your dog may also need some medication to help recover from the swelling in some cases. Trapped objects can also lead to infection and may need to be removed by a veterinary professional, if you are ever in doubt, bring your pet to a veterinarian.

Dogs with allergies often bite or chew their paws excessively. The trauma of this can cause irritation, and even infection. Oftentimes this can make the paw swollen or appear swollen. While this is not an emergency, having your pet evaluated by a veterinarian to address their allergies may make them more comfortable.

Interdigital cysts are infected or irritated cysts of the hair follicle, often secondary to trauma. They are most common on the front limbs in between the toes. They are extremely painful and can occasionally have discharge (red tinged fluid or pus). Infections can become so severe that they cause the paw to appear swollen. If you notice a swelling in between your dog’s toes, please have them checked by a veterinarian.

Dogs who go outside on very hot or very cold days may experience either frostbite or burn. A burned paw pad may turn bright red and look blistered, and it could peel much like a sunburn. It may become swollen while it is healing as well.

A paw pad with frostbite will turn gray or blue and may feel cold and brittle to the touch. It may become black if the frostbite is serious. In either of these cases, you should go to the vet or emergency vet for immediate treatment for your dog.

Dogs are prone to catching their toenails on objects and accidentally tearing them off or breaking them. This is a painful injury that can cause long-term limping in some dogs, and it must be treated by a vet (or an emergency vet, if there is significant bleeding or pain). A torn toenail of any severity may cause swelling of the paw as well.

Although less severe than a truly torn toenail, a broken toenail can sometimes cause irritation and swelling of your dog’s paw, too. Check your dog’s toenails carefully if you notice paw swelling and see if you can spot an injury in this area.

Although much less common than the other items on this list, it is possible that a dog’s paw could swell as a result of a broken foot or broken toe. In this case, your dog will likely show signs of significant pain, and you may be able to tell visually that the paw is broken.

If your dog’s foot, toe, or leg is broken, go to the emergency vet immediately. If you’re unsure but you suspect there could be a break, the emergency vet is your best bet, too.

What are Inflammation of the Paws?

Pododermatitis, or the inflammation of the paw and pad, can become painful and debilitating if it is left untreated. The diseases and disorders that can instigate this kind of swelling are many and the treatment plans may vary depending on what the cause of the discomfort is diagnosed as.

Mild cases may have fewer symptoms, although excessive grooming and licking of the paws are relatively standard regardless of the cause of the disorder. More severe cases may escalate to bleeding, sloughing of paw pads, and reluctance to stand or walk. Swollen feet should be evaluated by a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause.

Inflammation of the paws, also known as pododermatitis, can be quite irritating and often painful to the dog. As pododermatitis has multiple triggers, treatment is usually focussed on the underlying cause of the swollen feet.Youtube Play

Symptoms of Inflammation of the Paws in Dogs

Dogs of any age, sex, or breed may develop pododermatitis. The dog’s feet are likely to be tender to the touch, and they may be reluctant to stand or walk. Other signs of swollen paws include:

  • Biting nails
  • Bleeding from paws
  • Cracking of the paw pad
  • Excessive foot licking
  • Foul odor
  • Lameness
  • Lumps on foot
  • Redness
  • Sloughing paw pads
  • Warmth from feet
  • Types

    Although dogs of any breed or gender can develop inflamed paws for a number of reasons, some breeds of dog may be more likely to develop diseases or disorders that lead to inflamed paws. Some examples of paw disorders that result in swelling and are breed specific include:

    Familial Footpad Hyperkeratosis

  • Bedlington Terrier
  • Dogue de Bordeaux
  • Golden Retriever
  • Irish Terrier
  • Kerry Blue Terrier
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Idiopathic Sterile Granuloma of the Feet

  • Boxer
  • Collie
  • Dachshund
  • Doberman Pinscher
  • English Bulldog
  • Golden Retriever
  • Great Dane
  • Weimaraner
  • Zinc-Responsive Skin Disorder

    Dog Health Treatment & Advice : How to Treat a Swollen Paw

    Swollen paw pads or toes in dogs is a common problem. Inflammation in the paw pads can be painful for your dog, but what causes it and how can you fix it?

    Swollen paws are a common occurrence among dogs, causing them pain and discomfort until you intervene. If you notice your dog limping, or licking their paws excessively, and see any swelling or feel heat in their paws, it’s time to take action.

    Paw inflammation, or pododermatitis, can become severe and debilitating once left untreated. Multiple triggers cause swollen paw pads, and treatment depends on the underlying cause. Knowing the reasons behind your dog’s swollen paws is the first step toward finding a prompt solution for this irritating issue.