Dog Bodysuit After Surgery
Press studs / snaps for good fit It is very difficult for the dog to open the Recovery Suit® because the closure is on the back. However, it is quick, safe and easy for the owner or veterinarian to put …
Press studs / snaps for good fit It is very difficult for the dog to open the Recovery Suit® because the closure is on the back. However, it is quick, safe and easy for the owner or veterinarian to put …
You may wonder if your dog has a fever if he feels warmer to the touch than normal. The best way to find out if he does have fever, is by taking his temperature. There are different kinds of thermometers …
If theres one thing the internet definitely loves, its when things look like other things. “Facial pareidolia” is the term for the tendency for people to see faces in everyday objects. Not everybody sees those the same way, but then …
Is Loratadine Poisonous to Dogs? Addressing Loratadine Overdose In Dogs Whether or not Loratadine ingestion is dangerous for a dog is highly dependent on the size of the dog as well as any other ingredients within the antihistamine tablet. If …
At elevated doses, sensitive dogs showed adverse reactions, which included mydriasis, depression, ataxia, tremors, drooling, paresis, recumbency, excitability, stupor, coma and death. HEARTGARD demonstrated no signs of toxicity at 10 times the recommended dose (60 mcg/kg) in sensitive Collies. Dog …
A lump on a dogs belly after spay surgery is not uncommon, but many dog owners may find its presence alarming. To better understand the etiology of this lump, it helps to gain a better understanding on ideal spay incisions …
The last Bullseye, now retired, also lives on the ranch. The website confirms it is home to the Target dog Nikki. Target would not say whether that is the non-working name of the retiree or of the current terrier. Target’s …
Do you love movies about dogs? We do! We prefer movies that make us laugh rather than cry. I grew up in the 1980s and 1990s, so I remember the hype about this adorable Saint Bernard dog. Was Beethoven a …
Whether you’re new to the world of whelping or are a novice, there is one term you have likely heard about: calcium. Calcium is an incredibly important aspect of whelping and will help your dog significantly. In turn, it will …
Euthanizing a cat is not an easy task. Regardless of your reasons for euthanizing your feline friend, it is important to keep in mind that you still have to do it properly. Euthanasia by injection is the easiest way to …